Oct 13, 2006 16:46
1. What job do you have, and why do you like/hate it?
Jobless. Yay for the unemployed student!
2. As a kid, what did you want to be when you "grew up?"
For a while a vet, until I realised the ridiculousness of that, since needles freak me out. Other than that, I can't remember.
3. Is the job you have now anything like what you imagined as a kid?
No. Student life, so much as it can be called a job, was nothing that I really thought about as a child.
4. Do you have a five-year career plan?
No, still lacking in the directionness.
5. In order to get the job of your dreams, is there anything you wouldn't do? Why?
Oooh, tough question. I currently don't have a dream job, so I don't know what I'd do to get it. There's probably nothing I wouldn't do, short of killing someone. Unless that becomes my dream job, in which case, nope, nothing.