Friday Five

May 05, 2006 17:21

1. Do you like your birth-name? Why?
Yep. And ... because it's mine? Is that a good enough reason?

2. If you could change your name to anything else, what would it be?
I wouldn't.

3. What names would you consider giving your children?
God knows. Not something stupid. Something that wouldn't date horribly. But since I'm not planning children anytime soon ...
Although I have been thinking about what to call the next pooch, when I get it. There are no good boy-dog names, except Sam, and that's taken.

4. If you had a band, what would you name it, and why?
Stupid question.

5. Is there a name that you completely hate? Why?
Not one that I can think of right now. Galpharm? *shudder*

five, dogs

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