1. What do you do for fun?
2. Is there a person from your past you would like to talk to again, even if it would be a potentially painful conversation?
Elaine. My Granny.
3. What is your favorite comfort food?
4. What is your preferred form of self-expression? (Do you dance; or express yourself through music, conversation, etc.)
5. You just received $5000; what do you spend it on?
Paying for everyone to see the film below.
Just ... wow. I was totally not expecting the film to be that good. And it really is good; it's an excellent adaptation and a really watchable film. I'm going to see it again next Wednesday.
The improvement is just ... indescribably brilliant. The past three films are just absolutely incomparable with this. It's got something that the last three were missing, and I think that is the genuine essense of the books. It's funny, it's cute, it's dark and scary and sad. The characters are already established, so we don't need to bother with that, and they all play fabulously. I am such a Neville fan. Laugh-out-loud funny at times, and Ron has been promoted from humourous background character! Yay!
Having said all that, it wasn't perfect. If you haven't read the books, you will be lost within the first 30mins. It's incredibly fast-paced - blink and you'll have just missed four chapters. The first and second tasks were too drawn out - yes, it was tense when Harry was falling off the roof, but it kind of missed the point. Harry won the first task so easily, and that made the run-up to the second task all the more tense. That was lost here, sacrificed for a chase by a dragon which was somewhat irrelevant. The second task felt too long. Um ... what else? Oh, I loved the maze but I was kind of disappointed that there were no magical creatures. My major 'thing' was that it faded toward the end. I can't say why exactly, but for the last half-hour it really lost all propulsion.
But yeah, this film rocked. Newell has totally restored my faith in the Potter films. The acting was so much better. There were so many attractive people. Snape was so cool. I can see where people are coming from saying he's a little OOC, but that fact that he has so much presence and about three lines was just so cool. It didn't matter, book!snape and film!snape are different.
And, y'know, Cedric was in it.