May 18, 2007 18:22
so here i am. hello.
it turns out that i *accidentally* rule as a graphic artist when catering to the average joe. for real. i made like a real estate type sign, and a top light design for a cab, and this thing for sid's wife (she's a teacher) that are all like so ultimately bitchin' despite being very square and boring. it's amazing.
work is a steaming pile, my friends. don't ever work for family. don't ever work for someone who has no business running a business. don't ever work for someone who can't make it to 10 in the morning without downing a case of busch. i love what i do, i really do. i want to practice polygamy and get married to my flatbed printer and adobe illustrator at the same time. the problem with my job is the environment. i dread going to work. i hate having to rely on the most unreliable people on the planet. now don't get me wrong, i love my mommy...but jesus that woman shouldn't be the one in charge of all of the information. she left work early today, at like 12:30 or so. between then and 4, we had like 3 people come in who she had promised could pick up their signs by close. none of were even aware these jobs existed. but we hammered them out, cuz that's what we do, and they were all pleased. it's just annoying that things like that happen ALL THE TIME. fucking work.
mr moto is sleeping on my lap and doing that cute twitching thing sleeping kitties do. he really is awesomeness.