yesterday i finished my first "professional" website. i say professional cuz it doesn't have mary-kate or ashley anywhere on it, it wasn't a site i chose to do for fun or whatever, not cuz i got paid. it is actually the website for kevin's family's church. and it's not like amazing or anything, but i think i did an okay job, considering i had absolutely NO creative freedom whatsoever. but that swooshy thing around the picture at the idea. I KNOW.
check check it. and while i was doing all this coding yesterday, i was okay, it took me like 3 hours. and i know there's alot of "bad coding" in there, but i have this argument with HTML that, if i don't HAVE to close one font command to start a new one, then i'm not going to. so i don't. so yeah. but other than that...i mean, everything works. everything matches. before, it was just a bunch of black text on either brownish tan or teal backgrounds. and now it's like...i don't know. dammit, i am just proud of myself! my mom has been after me to get the shop's website going for like a year now, and it's like...okay, i know how to do some stuff, i can make a decent website, but i never thought i could make one that like seemed legitimate. all the ones i make for myself, that's just what they are, and i just like to make pretty graphics and stuff, and if something is wrong with it, it doesn't really matter cuz it's all just a hobby. but ya know...i mean, just look at the fucking church site. it's not fancy or ground breaking, but it's not bad looking. the whole time i was coding it, i was just...i don't know, like i didn't feel bad or stupid or useless. it was kind of awesome. and it's like...i can DO this. I MADE THIS.
you know, i might just give college a second try.