Man I made fried chicken, mac & cheese, broccoli, and biscuits tonight for dinner and it knocked me the fuck out earlier! Man I need my sleeping pattern back... lately I've been falling asleep around 6 in the morning, that used to be the time I had to get up and go to work. It's now April and I haven't worked all year! I'm still trying with this job search thing. Another wrench that's been thrown into my gears is the fact that I'm running low on funds and I haven't found a job yet. I probably would have had one a lot quicker too if my license situation was straightened out. I sent the treasury $204 to pay the driver's responsibility fee and I went to the Secretary of State today to pay the $150 to get it reinstated and renewed. They won't let me do that now because now I've gotta go to the Oakland County Sheriff's office in Rochester Hills to receive a driver's responsibility termination form to present at the SoS. They didn't say shit about that when I called the treasury. They said verbatim, "You're all set Mr. Montgomery, you can go to the SoS to take care of the rest." I sure hope I don't have to pay for anything else because I'm virtually tapped at this point.
I'm trying to get another bartender job but that position is becoming more and more scarce since people don't want dudes to serve them alcohol anymore. Even though I have prior experience AND am certified to do so, most places don't hire bartenders off rip like that. Most of them now tend to hire in servers/bussers/runners and mold them into a bartender.... gay. I've been to many "female-only bartender" bars where they're neglecting a bunch of the rules such as scooping ice with the glass as opposed to using the scoop. Sounds trivial but you're not supposed to do that because if a glass shard gets in that bin... you will NOT find it, but a patron might in their drink. These bitches don't even know how to poor beer! They put the new beer bottles in front of the old ones in the fridge allowing the older ones to go unused and become skunky. They don't let glasses drip dry, I've seen some that have touched the inside of a glass, and some that don't even know how to make a strawberry daiquiri!!! What the fuck bitch?! Just quit life! It's so easy: ice, light rum, daiquiri mix, splash of triple sec and blend! Jesus!
In attempts to pass the time (as well as maintain my sanity.), I've began watching newer anime since I'm up to date on Bleach and Naruto. Well new to me that is. Since the Xbox 360 is able to read data discs, and I've installed a Windows Media Extender for it to stream from the laptop... it's made it that much more enjoyable for me to watch them. I can put one whole series on a data DVD and watch it on the home theatre in 1080p... you can't beat that! So far I've watched all of Tenjo Tenge, BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad, Devil May Cry, and both seasons of the new Ah! My Goddess!. Tenjo Tenge is beautifully animated and had some cool and bloody fight scenes, but the storyline just seemed so compressed and jumped back and forth to the past and present too many times that you have no clue who the central characters are. I've read that there's a lot more to it considering the fact that the manga was published back in 1997 and is still running to this date. No way you can throw ten years worth of story into a 24 half-hour episode series and touch on everything. BECK was just awesome! I wish they would have kept this one going instead of just doing one season. Great soundtrack, great characters, the use of popular brand instruments like Les Pauls and Strats and the many references to rock legends like Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Tom Morello, Flea, The Rolling Stones, The Sex Pistols (although I hate Sid Vicious and his drugged out whore for a girlfriend Nancy.) made this one cool. If you can get past the Engrish portions of the original Japanese dialogue, it makes for a great anime. Devil May Cry I'm still watching but is pretty damned cool thus far. Man, Madhouse Studios are pretty busy lately considering the last three series mentioned. I guess all these series are short-lived due to the animation budget, you gotta come outta some big bucks for it to become a project for Madhouse... they're the fucking best!
But I think I enjoyed Ah! My Goddess! the most since it's a classic. I remember watching the OAVs in college and I stole the movie from Jermaine one day. The new series really makes the original look dated. The characters' designs don't look like little kids anymore when most of them are college age and you can see the technological transition in the animation due to the fact that cel animation and painting is dead... everything's digital now. It's been a while since I've watched Belldandy and her crew, Urd is still my favorite though. She's just so funny and purposely promiscuous. Her hair looked cooler in the original anime though. But check out the difference between the two:
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Ah! My Goddess circa 1993. Yes I'm aware the opening is annoying.
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And fast forward to the 2005 version. I especially like the part after Keiichi gets drugged after about 4 minutes in. The best is when Urd turns away in disgust after looking at Keiichi.:)
I really think they made Skuld the ultimate hater in this one... and Peorth the ultimate ho' bag, her personality is way different from when she was in the movie. She constantly flirts with Keiichi just to piss off Belldandy.
Speaking of maintaining sanity... I'm still drawing as well. This time I drew Jenny... the same one who bashed Guitar Hero and Rock Band players if you read my last post.
In case you're wondering... the kanji on her headband means "sexy". Unfortunately her arms and jacket are covering up the kanji on her shirt which means "wicked". So if you combine the two it's "wicked sexy". I have no idea what the big katakana behind her means but I saw it in one of the manga cutouts during the opening of Tenjo Tenge when Masataka Takayanagi is about to single-handedly take down about 70 dudes. I figured I'd do one badass pic and one cute since she's a cross of the two. I woulda done this one sooner but I just didn't think she was into it. Everytime I showed a piece of artwork to someone over there she just kinda looked with this unimpressed look. I didn't know she was pissed at me for not drawing her because she barely said a word to me for about two months. I first got that vibe when I drew "naked whitney" and I told Whitney, "I think you're corrupting me because I've never drawn naked tits until now." and then Jenny repeated that same line in a mocking fashion. So I threw an ice cube right at that bitch's forehead.:P Then when I drew "Jasmine the fairy" one of the girls goes, "Jenny is that supposed to be you???"... "No, La Marr hasn't drawn me yet." And that's where that last piece of the puzzle falls into place and I figured, "THAT'S why she hates me!" At the same time I felt like the world's biggest douchebag because compared to the more recent girls I've drawn, she's been there longer than them and should've been higher priority. But unlike the other girls, she really didn't get on my case about it because the others were like... "Did ya draw me yet??? Did ya draw me yet??? Did ya draw me yet??? Did ya draw me yet???" each damn time I walked through there. It didn't help either back in October that I remembered her girl Cara's birthday but not her's. That wasn't smart on my behalf. Besides... Jenny's got a REALLY hot ass!:P I don't know how that's relevant to anything I've said in this paragraph but I just felt compelled to say something along those lines, she's cool people though... but she does have a hot ass.:D
Also I had drawn this one too to make up for me not getting her a birthday card.
I pretty much stole the idea from that illustration of Sakura from Street Fighter Alpha. I was also thinking of the time when I had first met her how she told me she's a black belt in karate. Without me asking she did a sidekick so fast and it came maybe two centimeters away from my nose. Then she showed me her split kick... she can kick pretty high. Considering how well it came out, her reaction was, "You even drew my snatch! I should have made it a little poofier!:P" But what's anime without the occasional panty shot/fan service.:P If you look carefully enough... she's even wearing my pair of Jordans!:D
Wow... this turned out to be longer than I had wanted it to be.