I'm Definitely Wearing the Wrong T-Shirt for the Occasion....

Apr 02, 2007 21:02

First to start things off....

I rule... beyond a shadow of a doubt...

Ya see that shit?! Only one shot off the mark! Because I decided to start firing using only one hand. But nonetheless I'm a muthafuckin' crack shot yo! "I'm an excellent marksman... I've always been an excellent marksman.":P This pic would have been a shitload funnier if I were wearing my "The Shit" t-shirt.

Oh right, my little brother bought a new gun last week (Well DUH Captain Obvious!). A Smith & Wesson .40 semi-automatic pistol. Holds 15 in the clip and 16 total if you put one in the chamber. Unlike the Glock .45 I had fired originally, Terrance's gun is a lot more accurate at further distances but has a lower calibur. But I figure what's better? Having more powerful stopping power?... Or using less bullets to actually HIT your target? He got it for about $600 and got his license for it within the same day. It would be cool if he didn't play around with it... loaded... with the barrel pointed at me. I don't even care if the safety is on, that shit ain't cool!

Speaking of buying the unpredictable... my dad's at it again.

He bought this giant 65" Mitsubishi HDTV with DLP and 1080p resolution. But get this... it's actually a GREAT TV. Not like that piece of shit Daewoo! I'm actually jealous! While he was gone one day I hooked up my PS2 and started playing GT4 in HD... it's crystal fucking clear! But his concept behind the purchase was ALL for the wrong reasons. He bought it so this way whatever company we bring into the house... he won't have to be bothered with them.... right... I'm thinking the same thing you are thinking right now, "What the fuck???" And he's also bought a Sony home theatre to go along with it that HE wants ME to wire. He picked the worst room in the house to set up an entertainment area which is our living room. The living room is the center of the house, and there's no carpet in the room to reduce the noise. The sound will travel all throughout the house and just piss everyone off. If you speak at a normal tone in our living room, I can hear you in the basement. My mom's about ready to kill him... I hope she doesn't find my brother's gun. This is also one of the reasons we're trying to send her to New Jersey for Mother's Day to get away for a bit.

Also, I went to see the awesomeness that is 300 again for the second time on Sunday. And a whole gang of us went: my brothers, Amyre, Nicole, my godbrother Lewis, and Tracey. Tracey was so full of whine that day. Oh right, for anyone who needs visual on what Tracey looks like...

Now the air's been cleared.:P

Anyway, she was pissed because one of her girls came over to her apartment, hung out, got drunk, and passed out on her bed so she had a rough night on the couch. But then it really came out when she bit the inside of her cheek munching on her hot dog, she bit down pretty hard too because she was bleeding. It would be really gay if I were all like, "Awwwww poor baby."... but I gotta be me. Instead I'm like, "Awwwwww wimpy whiner... suck it up prom date!" Sorry but her whining was starting to get annoying. Your mouth actually heals really fast and I can attest to that one.(No gay punchlines... alright?!?!) She'll be fine in a day or so.

And finally, been doing some more renditions yet again.... of more of the Lake Pointe girls. You flash one picture and everyone wants a piece of you. Now I don't wanna say I'm better than anyone, nor do I wanna say that I'm better than anyone in the aspect of physically or spiritually. But when it comes to this manga art shit... I am the muthafuckin' greatest there ever was and ever will be. Everyone out there should have the same mentality about their craft or passion. It's good for the people, and it's good for you because it keeps you doing the good work that you're doing......... PSYCHE! That's bullshit... I got that from DJ Drama and Lil' Wayne's mixtape: Dedication 2. I'm good... but I'm still learning. But check it out...

Here's Melissa in manga form. In person, believe it or not, but she's about as tall as me.... WITH heels on!:P But she absolutely loved it.

And here's my favorite little mudshark Kelly, one of the bartenders. I constantly rag on her for being stereotypically Irish... I told her that she was probably a ginger kid growing up.:P

That is all for the time being. And now let's all root for the Florida Gators to beat Ohio State in yet ANOTHER championship game. If OSU loses to the same team TWICE in a championship game, in two different sports, in the same YEAR... that's bragging rights for the ages! And I (being a devout wolverine) will be laughing my fucking ass off! Because you can say, "Now you guys suck in TWO sports!":D GO GATORS!!!!
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