...or more aptly named "The House That Was Supposed To Be Finished In July".
Whelp folks, it is finally here and we are very excited! After 2 1/2 years of paying off debt and saving we have had a house built in Mason and will be closing on it tomorrow, assuming nothing crazy happens in the next 24 hours. Pre-during-post construction photos of the house can be found at:
http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/maria_rocinante/album?.dir=dea9re2 We are going to be painting from the 1st through the 10th since it will be a whole lot nicer to paint with barely anything in the house than it will be after we move all our stuff in. It also helped to decide this since a large number of our friends will be busy the weekend of the 3rd - 5th, so we pushed our move back a week. During that week we will probably be moving what we can in our car as we go to and fro to paint. This will most likely be one of the easier moves that you have ever been to since we're living in a VERY small place right now and most of our stuff is in storage, boxed and ready to go. The truck we rented is probably too big, but better a little larger than what we need than a little smaller than what we need.
Did I mention that we are really excited to get into the new place? :-)
So to that end, I have "spammed" (for those of you who know him, here comes a comment from Joey ;) ) many of my friends, family, coworkers, etc, with this e-mail in hopes that we might procure some assistance in making this a quick and easy move. Also, if any of you have experience painting, need experience paiting, are generally just bored and want to paint, or don't want to paint but will paint anyways, we would be happy to have help doing so, and it would be especially helpful if you have your own roller/brush!!!
Also, my mother will be making her famous Cream of Mushroom soup (with a burgandy base, I think) and we will also be getting lots of deli meat/chees/bread for sandwiches, etc. So to sum up:
DATE: Saturday, November 11th.
TIME: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
PLACE: Howell to Mason
FOOD: Soup, Sandwiches, and other stuff
UNPACKING: You don't have to, but if you want to, we'll be unpacking and will probably do some partying that night.
DATE(S): November 1st - November 3rd, Novemeber 6th - November 10th
TIME: After work, mayhaps...5pm-?
PLACE: Mason
FOOD: Pizza? Wings? Something we come up with.
If you are interested, please e-mail us here or give me a call, let me know where you'll be coming from, and I'll shoot further details (maps, directions, etc) back.
Thanks everybody!
Brad and Katie Liedel