So who's VIP?

Oct 23, 2005 17:11

I am bitches! I know I don't post much (or any at all unless it's a stupid quiz or something much less relevant) but after my weekend I figured it was a MUST. So here in Houston I've made some friends...some very rich friends. Like AMEX black rich. Friday I had the pleasure of spending my afternoon/evening/night with these guys in the Hilton Americas here in the city...that's one of the nicest hotels. Because, see, these guys like to alternate every week at different hotels with one of them paying for everything...from the room to the drinks to the 1000 dollar dinners to whatever. It's ridiculous. After 4PM martinis (ending with me dragging one of them away because security was coming because he was belligerent shouting at the others guys after they misplaced his credit card "Find my fucking card it has a 300,000 dollar credit limit") and a 150 dollar tip to the waiter, we hung out in the room watching tv for a while. We had dinner reservations at 9 but when we were hungry at 7:30 we opted for a bufffet in a different part of the hotel...not sure that cost. Then, after an Ambien, we headed to our 9PM VIP dinner. And I don't joke about it...they convined the manager of the restaurant to not only squeeze us in because there were no openings left, but to let us eat in their wine cellar area...a glass box that all of the restauranteurs can see; it was complete with security guard standing out front. After more martinis, Dom Perignon and Veuve Clicquot champagnes, and a phenomenal dinner (no telling how much all of this cost, btw), we headed back to the room for more fun. We would have opted also for a spa package but unfortunately it was too late and everything was full. In the end a guy who I met that day has 400 dollars or so of drinks and food and whatever else on his bill from my contributions to the bill that day. And he didn't care. It was just a normal night for them. Around 3 I got my car from the valet and headed back to my house...RIDICULOUS!
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