I've been running around the city the past few days... Just doing, well stuff basically, lol.
Let's see... Jan 28/29 I get an invite for a casting for a show for fashion week. It's not at the tents at Bryant Park, but it's at a venue that's equally as cool and has some national/international exposure I hear -- it will be televised too. Now here's the ironic twist of the whole thing. The casting was held by a former booker from Agence Christie who has his own agency now. A stylist whom I had met back in the summer who really loved my look and wanted to work w/ me is a close partner w/ this guy. He showed my pics to this particular booker and he in turn didnt really like my look, so he decided not to work w/ me. So I had ironically gotten this invite for the casting which shocked the hell out of me to say the least. It seems really cool and I'd love to do it but the casting was Sat the show is this Friday and I havent heard any word as yet. I'm on option for it. Ironic twist #2... The stylist friend of mine AND the booker came to H&M on Sunday, lol, while I was working! I was busy folding some pants, really concentrating on it too, this man just stands next to me -- I'm facing side, he stands next to me facing front -- i can feel his eyes staring at me and I was about to give him an evil -- you're in my personal space look, lol. At it was my friend, lol. So we hugged and talked. He was like, ooh *the booker* (we'll leave him anonymous) saw you and was pointing like -- THAT'S THE GIRL, THAT'S THE GIRL FROM THE CASTING! LOL, they really like my new pics and look. We will see if it works out, I never assume anything because nothing is ever set in stone or sure. I got a good impression at the casting. They were looking at my book, told me to walk, and took a comp. There were some other chicks there too, of course. From different agencies and such. ID, Thompson, Sub-Zero, blah blah blah. And guess who else was there... KENTISHA! It was sooo funny! She went in first, I went in second, funny because we have such a similar look, we are diffinately each other's competition in this market, lol. I gotta call that chick, lol. So we took the train together downtown cause she had to go to work. Hopefully we can chill soon fo' cheeezie!
And then today, I got this email from this designer who's doing a show here in NY. He emailed me personally asking me to please come to the casting because I would be "perfect" for the final piece in the show... Haha, ooooh the FINALE! Super cool. I totally said yes especially because in his advertisement Ms. Denise Vasi herself was modeling his stuff and it's one of my fav pics of her too. That casting is this sat I think. The show is next Thurs.
Um what else is going on... Nothing... After fashion week is over, I will FINALLY be shooting w/ Ralf Graebner. GUESS WHAT!? We have this super fierce stylist working w/ us who has worked for Vogue and is styling the shows for Fashion Week Bryant Park! He hasnt tested in over a year and because he likes my look and the photogs work he agreed to do it! I'm super psyched! And I'm only paying for development costs for this stuff as the photog shoots film AND polaroids! check out his stuff ---->
Here. Reto Halm emailed me, told me to let me know when I'm ready to shoot and so that will prob happen at the end of Feb, his stuff is --->
Ok that's it. I'm still too poor to take class, lol. I need to get my azz in class NOW because Lion King audtions are prob coming up for NY soon, I saw the listing for auditions in Florida! I also need to start preparing my voice again. OMG, I prob need to drop like 5 lbs to be on the safe side. I've lost weight since they last saw me which is what they wanted, I would just feel safer w/ a stupid unnoticable 5lbs off, whatever... Broadway casting is soooooooooo damn picky... If you dont fit the costume or are the EXACT measurements of the person leaving, you will not be offered a contract...