Jun 24, 2006 19:06
well, im in my house in philadelphia, getting ready to see BRAD!!!! YAY!!! but, truth be told, it has yet to hit me, in all emotional severity, that i am no longer in oxford or the uk. in all other respects its obvious, and i am suprised how easily i adjusted, for example, buying things in dollars not pounds or driving on the flip side of the road, it all seems natural, as if i never left. but i know i did and as i was unpacking i was reminded gently of the times i had had, but only gently as if it were all a magical dream that i have awoken from but can still see. but it was real, gloriously so. more to come about this all, and the promised re-write of my last day in the uk, when time permits. but now, i have to get ready for the club etc. i get to go in the big kids door...scary, right?
"One summer night, we took my parents' grill & we put in some sticks & paper & soaked the whole thing in lighter fluid & then my friend turned on his shortwave radio & we listened to some scientist in Houston who was saying where Apollo was at that moment & at the exact time it went over us, we lit the stuff in the grill so the astronauts would look out & see this light & they'd say 'What the hell is that?' & we danced around the pillar of flame & sparks laughing wildly because while the astronauts were out there unlocking the mysteries of the universe, we were back home in Chicago making more of them. "