Stay active. Each day a point is deducted. If you reach 0, you have to re-apply. If your point amount is low, it's bold.
abstracteddd : 805
acromegaly : 365
ashleymazing : 1,474
ashleysaysrelax : 852
badhellokitie : 14
chocolateorgasm : 5,912
derryqueen12591 : 208
girlondisplay : 4,712 : MOD
glam_whorex : 0 : MOD
seventh_string : 13
shootxthekids : 8
spectacles_0 : 3,364
trite : 24
tueurdedouleur : 366 : MOD
youzahawtie : 171
_small_figures_ : 1,225
+800 points
Winning a challenge against a moderator.
+350 points
Winning a challenge.
Winning a contest.
+150 points
Participating in the theme.
Making a banner (+ per banner).
+100 points
Promoting our community and giving links (+ per link).
+55 points
Completing the whole scavenger hunt list on time.
+30 points
A picture post (per picture).
Starting a challenge (whether you win or loose).
Suggesting a theme or contest.
+15 points
A plain text post.
Surveys that mods randomly post.
Make a random suggestion for our community. Whether it be something to do that you've seen in another community, or came up with on your own, something we could do better, anything that you think would help make this community better and more fun.
+5 points
For every scavenger hunt item if list is NOT complete.
Submitting a picture to the contest (whether you win or lose).
If an applicant says you're one of the hottest members.
If you would like to spend your points, make a post about it. The list will be back up soon.