Apparently, China is our future-so says Tom Brokaw

Nov 16, 2006 21:48

I have now seen Tom Brokaw, Walter Cronkite and Bill Clinton in the span of 3 weeks- All amazing, inspirational and mezmorizing!  Brokaw was an incredible speaker.  I enjoyed that now that he is retired, he can actaully share his opinions and point of view.  It sort of surprises you when it comes out of journalist who you are accustom to being impartial.  Walter made some cracks about some local Republicans losing which also amused me.  I counted today that this was my 9th Cronkite Luncheon,  Hundred dollar plates of crappy food but the speakers are always spectacular.  Glad I don't pay for the plate!  The govenor, mayors, Phx Suns, all sorts of local news folk all there.  It is like celeb spotting local style.  Brokaw spoke of the greatest generation (his own) He maybe correct but he maybe a tad biased also.  I know my own generation (tweeners I think they call us)  are not but the millenium kids are impressive.  Gen X kids, not so much. (sorry)  Walter repeated himself a few time, but hey..he is 90 years old...he is a very funny guy which few people realize.  He constantly cracks jokes.  After this week, I have more pride in the school I work for and appreciation for the opportunities working for the largest US university affords me.  I had to miss my Cronkite Village kids photo opps with Walter as I was talking up the school to prospective students-one of the things I do well in life...speaking...

I wrote in my music blog this week so check it out if you are bored.  You can find the link on my LJ homepage.

I am editing Bay Window again and loving it.  I just read two chapters outloud.  I think I should start reading books outloud for a living.  It is fun to do all the voices-DORK-yep, that is me.  Editing is going extremely well this time because I actually did learn a few things in that class.  I am putting those thoughts to work. I think I finally get the showing vs telling thing!

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