Mar 14, 2011 21:11

FIRST - Don't be a jerk. (Nobody likes a jerk.)

Please be considerate of your fellow players. No character bashing, player bashing, flaming or trolling, homophobia, racism, sexism, or other hateful behavior.

Please remember that In-Character interactions are separate from Out-of-Character interactions, and see the next section of the rules for information on what to do if you are having issues with another player.

As stated in the information: "This game will not exploit or belittle the tragic events related to the 2011 Earthquake & Tsunami." This means that the earthquake, tsunami, nuclear meltdown or any other event related to the current events in Japan are not to be used in-game for any reason. As a community we do not want to co-opt one of the worst tragedies in recent memory for frivolous entertainment. For that reason, using recent events as a backdrop for character actions is one of our few one-shot bannable offenses. Let me repeat that: using the earthquake, tsunami or nuclear crisis in Japan as part of your in-game actions will result in your immediate removal from the game.

God-moding (dictating the reactions or actions of a character you do not play) is not allowed without permission; if you would like to use another player's character for something, please ask them for permission first and be sure to iron out the details beforehand. Something overlooked as minor by one player may make another player uncomfortable in a major way, so I say again: please be considerate.

Except in extreme cases, there will be a three-strikes policy with regards to this rule. Warnings will be given. Extreme circumstances and the appropriate action to be taken in their wake will be determined by the mods.

SECOND - Communicate. (Let's hug it out, man.)

If you have a problem or concern, talk to your mods and talk to your fellow players. If you feel you may need a mediator to work through any issues you have with either in-character or out-of-character issues, please contact the mods and explain the situation. We can contact the other player(s) involved (if any) and work to resolve any disputes or misunderstandings. If your concern is with a mod, please let us know if you would like to bring in another player or a neutral party into the discussion to assist in mediation. We don't want anyone to feel isolated or unheard.

If you have an idea to improve the game, if there's something you especially enjoy about another player, or if you would like to discuss anything, please don't hesitate to do that, too. Your mods value open and honest communication of things both positive and negative, as it helps to create a comfortable creative environment for everyone.

Communication can also help prevent character-interaction drama like accidental god-moding; while we don't insist that everything in-game be planned (that would take away the spontaneous nature of this type of roleplay), we do ask that if you're planning something you be sure to discuss things with the players of the characters involved. The mods would also love to hear what you're doing, so as to make overarching plot events relevant, enjoyable, and fresh.

THIRD - Participate. (Games don't work when the players don't play.)

To participate you must have: an RP journal (the journal name does not have to be in-character, but this journal's pourpose should be to play in-character in the community), and a chat vehicle such as AIM, GoogleTalk or Skype (Using GoogleDocs is also welcome. If you need an invite to gmail/gtalk/googledocs, contact the mods and one will be sent to you). Your chat screenname or handle does not need to be in-character or specific to this RP. Mods will contact players via PM (private-message) to the RP journal when chat is unavailable.

IRL is crazy, can get in the way, and can foil all our plans. We ask that players make at least one journal post every two weeks, and participate in either a comment thread of at least five comments per character involved or play and post a chat log once per month. If you have something unexpected come up, or plans, all you need to do is contact the mods and make a post on outofkoushien, our Out of Character (OOC) community, so that we don't worry what happened to you.

If a player fails to participate at minimum levels without notification, you will receive one (1) participation reminder. If the player remains inactive for another two weeks, that player will be dropped and the character will be made available to new applicants. If you need to leave the game, or if you are dropped, you may reapply to return as your previous character (if he or she is still available). If you again fail to meet minimum activity requirements without explanation, you will be dropped from the community permanently.

For specific details on how posting will work, please see the Setup & Format section of the FAQ and the Posting Guidelines in loggingkoushien.

HOME - Have fun. (No, really, that's it.)

Baseball might be a game played to win, but koushien-e is a game played for collaborative creativity and mutual enjoyment. Have fun with each other. If you're not having fun, there will be no punishment - just let us know, and we will work to improve your experience.

rules, modpost!

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