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pitselly March 17 2012, 00:06:43 UTC
I require Ned/Cat and awkward first times, with a focus on the emotions either are feeling at the time. Preferably from Cat's PoV, but details are up to you.


Part I margaeryrainbow March 21 2012, 05:31:38 UTC
Everything had been perfect so far. Ned had whisked her into his arms and carried her up the staircase of the tower in Winterfell, up into what would now be their bedroom. He had looked her in the eyes and smiled so endearingly her heart could melt, though it pounded like a drum against her ribs. The warmth of the hearth in Ned's bedroom thawed her bones from the chill outside. She wasn't sure how she would ever adjust ( ... )


Part 2 margaeryrainbow March 21 2012, 05:46:26 UTC
Ned pushed her against the wall [gently, of course] and Cat wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him as passionately as she knew how. She let her hands creep down his neck to pull off his shirt. Ned made no attempt to remove a single article of her clothing. He simply conitnued kissing her. Cat smile against his lips, reached down to the hem of her skirt, and lifted them ( ... )


pitselly March 22 2012, 13:44:24 UTC
This is lovely, thank you. Sorry for the late reply, I had to get on a plane and was too tired to read when I got back. But thank you for writing this for me.


juno_chan March 23 2012, 02:02:23 UTC

(I get a little warm in my heart) when I think of winter (pt 1/2)Her lord husband, Eddard Stark (Ned, she reminds herself, she must remember that he asked that she call him Ned), sits next to her on the bed and looks at her as though she is a strange creature, as though he does not know what to do with her or how he ended up pushed into her bedchamber by giggling women who were clutching his clothes by the time he is upstairs and inside ( ... )


juno_chan March 23 2012, 02:03:53 UTC
(pt 2/2)He meets her gaze, and there is honesty there, and in his voice, “I shall try and be a good husband to you, Catelyn,” and she knows that he means it; and it is that, and the sound of her name on his lips, that leads her to lean forward and kiss him again, more firmly this time. Her hand trails down his stomach to brush lightly against his manhood, uncertainly, and the groan in his throat and the way his hands tighten on her tells her that she has done something right ( ... )


pitselly March 23 2012, 03:49:04 UTC
Oh, this is great. Thank you! I never expected this prompt to be answered, and now I feel like I have an embarrassment of wealth, here.


juno_chan March 23 2012, 11:58:22 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed! :) I love Ned and Cat so I've been going a bit crazy filling the prompts. XD


lainemontgomery March 25 2012, 02:48:22 UTC
Once again, your Ned/Cat- I just- guhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. You are the queen of that pairing. I've declared it, and so it shall be.

This is stunning. I love that they actually discuss Brandon- that's a topic that clearly hangs over their marriage, especially in the early days, and it feels so true to their characters to actually address it outright. Ohh darling dearest Ned and his inferiority complex...I just can't tell you how I love the way you write him.

This is a great loss-of-virginity story, not in small part because you acknowledge the pain that Cat experiences. So many first-time stories end with the woman having a fabulous orgasm, to which my response is "......really?" But having Cat just begin to feel pleasure, largely due to the fact that she's coming to understand what a good man she married- perfect.

I'm rambling, but I just love everything you write don't ever stop kthxbye.


juno_chan March 25 2012, 05:03:55 UTC
Eeeee, thank you so much, you are the best!! <333

I love Ned's insecurity about Brandon in the beginning of the books, especially considering the more we learn of Brandon the more it seems like he was...kind of an ass and Catelyn and Winterfell both probably dodged a bullet there!

I totally agree that loss-of-virginity stories where the sex is mind-blowingly fantastic and ends in an over the top orgasm is just...unrealistic, so I loved the 'AWKWARD TIMES' prompts because I am so sure the first times were in face very awkward (and in this case Ned and Cat are married for over fifteen years at the start of the series, PLENTY OF TIME FOR FABULOUS SEX). I don't think loss-of-virginity fics have be awful and bloody and traumatizing but really in an arranged marriage it is awkward and uncomfortable at best. XD

THANK YOU AGAIN, your comments are always so lovely and I appreciate them so much!!


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