Jul 31, 2004 20:23
First best friend: april forbes
First car: none cuz i suck
First date: awhile ago
First real kiss: not telling
First break-up: matt-sixth grade
First screen name: emomksmecry
First self purchased album: britney spears-hehe
First funeral: umm i haven't been to one because im too emotional
First pets: jessie-a cat..wanted a girl cat so i could name her jessica..got a boy..named him jessie, i know im a loser
First piercing/tattoo: ears..like five months
First credit card: i don't have one
First true love: not saying
First enemy: abby alger...fourth grade..man i hated her
First big trip: grand canyon..when i was four
First musician you remember hearing in your house: beatles
Last car ride: today
Last kiss: awhile ago
Last library book checked out: library books!! bump library books
Last movie seen: the butterfly effect
Last beverage drank: slurpy
Last food consumed: hot dog
Last time showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: my blue flip flops!
Last cd played: Brand new
Last item bought: a blue skirt from st tropez
Last annoyance: sister
Last disappointment: hmmm
Last time wanting to die: hmmm
Last time scolded: this morning, about tomorrow night
Last shirt worn: umm a old soccer shirt
Last website visited: yahoo.com
Name: Kristina Marie Southard
Birthdate: 6-29-88
Birthplace: virginia beach
Current location: my house
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown but changes frequently
Height: 5'5 or four
Righty or Lefty: lefty!
Zodiac Sign: cancer
Your shoes you wore today: my two dollar flip flops..woop
Your fears: homeless people, failure, being alone.
Your perfect pizza: any kind
Goal you'd like to achieve: teacher, kids, husband, you know jank like that
Your thoughts first waking up: ahhhh i wanna go to sleep
Your best physical feature: eek
Your bedtime: when i get tired
Your most missed memory: being happy
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonald's or Burger King: burger king
Single or group dates: single
Adidas or Nike: adidas
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nestea
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino
Smoke: no
Drink: no
Cuss: no
Sing: i wouldn't call what i do singing..hahah
Take showers daily: yea
Have a crush: not really
Think you've been in love: i don't know
Want to go college: yes!!
Want to get married: yes
Believe in yourself: hmmm
Get motion sickness: i can
Think you're attractive: yikes
Think you're a health freak: no
Get along with your parents: not really, maybe a little with my mom
Like thunderstorms: no they're scary!
Play an instrument: hmm let me think..no im a loser
Layer.6 - In the Past Month..
Had sex: no
Gone to the mall: yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: not the whole thing
Eaten sushi: no but i wish
Been on stage: no but i wish
Gone skating: no
Made homemade cookies: no
Gone skinny dipping: hahahahah not saying
Dyed your hair: yea..i think a couple times!
Stolen anything: no
Layer.7 - Have You Ever..
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: unfortunately
Been called a tease: umm yea but i don't see how
Got beaten up: no
Age you hope to be married: hmmmm 26
Number and name of children: two, boy-hayden girl-emma
Dream wedding: uhh never really thought about it..big though..pretty dress..awesome husband..merp merp
How do you want to die: ohhh wow i don't know happy i guess
Where do you want to attend college: george mason
Dream joblife: stripper..haha no a elementary school teacher
Country you want to visit: italy..thats a country right? haha
LAYER.9 - In a Guy/Girl
Best eye color: blue
Best hair color: umm i have no clue
Short or long hair: short
Height: taller than me
Best weight: i dont' know
Best clothing: i dont' care
Best first date location: i don't care
Best first kiss location: ehh
Number of people I could trust with my life: hmm a lot
Number of CDs that I own: a lot
Number of piercings: three
Number of times my name's been in the news: once
Number of scars on my body: bunch
Number of things in my past that I regret: a lot
Number of girls you've kissed: hahahahahahaha
Number of boys you've kissed: merp
Number of people you've had sex with: merp merp