May 03, 2007 16:40
Today I woke up in one of those moods where nothing is really wrong, but you're just really pissed off for no reason. It might have been that I was exhausted last night, but didn't fall asleep until 4 am, and then i woke up at 7, and couldnt really fall back asleep, and i didnt have class until 2:15 today. So, that was irritating.
I was reading old entries on here yesterday, from like 2004 and 2005....and it's just crazy, all the stuff I forogt about. And I posted almost everyday, in great detail. About everything. And Im would always get like 15 or 20 comments on every entry. Now I post in this thing very seldomly, and I rarely talk to any of my old friends anymore that used to comment so frequently. It's a little depressing when I think about it.
And I saw all the comments from Shiv when he had an LJ, and when we first met, and how much we used to just bicker and pick on each other. It was sweet. I forgot what that feels like, you know...when a relationship is new and fun and exciting. Of course it's still like that for me, just on a different level. I feel like I was completely and utterly a different person back then.
And I read all my entries from my first Summer at camp, in 2003. That was interesting. I wrote a lot about Fuzzy, Ching, Magpie....they were my best friends that Summer. That was definately a life changing experience.
Ughhh. I am still in a crappy mood. I just don't want to talk to anyone. I thought I was getting out of this slump (considering I got put on medication for it) but obviously it's not helping anymore. I just really want school to be over, so I can move home and just be with my family and parents. I've been kinda clingy to them this year, I don't know why. I guess I realized how good I have it, how great they are. Especially after meetings friends parents and seeing how distant, or strict, or unattached they are- it just made me more thankful for mine.