May the odds be ever in your favor

May 20, 2012 17:51

Name: Vanja
Age: 22 D:
Gender: F
Stamp preference:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Both
[x] Best fit

Describe your personality:
I feel like I'm a contradiction, and a lot of it stems from how I'm too idealistic for my own good. I tend to idealize many things, even if my logical side tells me I'm being unrealistic, and then - as expected even to me by this point - I end up disappointed ultimately. On a wider scale, there's the way I think the world should be, and the way the world actually is... It makes me concerned about many topics the majority seems apathetic towards, but also quite bitter and often disappointed. I'll help people willingly, but at the same time I can't stand most people. To make this make even less sense, I have rather nihilistic views objectively, so I should think none of this matters... and while it doesn't ultimately, that doesn't stop me from wishing the world was better, as completely relative as "better" is. /rambles

I can be too outspoken, argumentative, and blunt. While I can plan things out usually... well, if they're important actions, at least, I need better control over my mouth. If someone says something I find particularly unsettling, I have a tendency to open it no matter who it is-- I've gotten into arguments with teachers, managers, etc... I do have a filter over it to an extent, but this has created problems in the past.

I guess you could call me rather "self-made." Much of what I know, I had to learn on my own. I've had to dig myself out of an area that seemed to have a "Abandon hope, all ye born here... unless you're one of the few sons/daughters of factory owners!" motto, and that wasn't exactly easy. I do think it has severely impacted my overall mentality and perspectives. Lol, that seems like nothing in comparison to what the characters in these books go through, but I'm just copying and pasting this part from other apps, so I'm keeping it.

If you want my MBTI, I almost always get INTJ. Yet, I'm not the quietest introvert, can make choices based on emotion at times, and fail at following rules if I don't see the point, so there are aspects of 3/4 of those individual categories which don't fit exactly. However, the general description when all are applied as a whole fits quite well. Really, the only aspect I'd say doesn't fit is the bit about not being able to support others, although I do tend to offer solutions rather than just hug them. All of the other negatives? Spot on, sadly... (Always wanting to improve things, assuming I'm right... Note to self: Don't be such an ass.) ... and there's this popular quiz used on these, which does fit pretty well, particularly the part I highlighted.
What kind of person would you project yourself to be for the games? I know with job interviews, I play up humor. I'm not particularly friendly, but I can normally get people to laugh if nothing else.
Positive traits: Analytical, independent, calm-minded (read: despite anything else, I at least think rationally), clever, open-minded, "humorous"... but that can also be a negative *points below*

Negative traits: Hopelessly self-critical, secretive (in the sense that I don't like to talk about my personal life - though I will talk about other things easily enough - and I tend to do/plan things without telling others), devious, obstinate, sarcastic/mocking/mixed with a dark sense of humor in general, rather bitter... at least if you catch me on a bad day.
Likes: Video games, reading, mountain biking, hiking, and music (both playing and listening.) Ah, and tea and coffee! Never... enough... coffee...
Dislikes: More than anything? Bigots, gender generalizations, people who complain but don't do anything to change whatever they're whining about, and the feeling of failure. Other dislikes include people who keep me up until 4 in the morning when I have to get up at 7, anything with the words "Hallmark" or "Lifetime" attached to it, when people insist that some random slab of red paint is some type of artistic masterpiece with metaphoric content too awesome for me to understand when it's just a slab of red paint, M&Ms, and privileged people who think they're the most amazing people in the universe when they've never had to do anything for themselves in their lives.
Best quality: What, my amazing intellect, stunning good looks, and overall awesomeness isn't obvious through the computer screen? For shame!
Worst quality: My inability to answer questions seriously if I don't know what to say? *shot*

(And I hope it's obvious I'm not really serious with these least two answers, heh)
What do you value most?: Hmm, I don't know, since I don't really... value much. I suppose my beliefs? Friends? *shrugs*

Optimistic or Pessimistic: Realistic? Most seem to consider that pessimism, but normally I hope for the best but also acknowledge the other possible outcomes to the situation.
Reserved or Outgoing: Depends. I'm introverted, but not shy. Outspoken if something interests me, but not a socialite.
Trusting or Cynical: Cynical.
Impulsive or Cautious: Difficult to say. I'm normally impulsive in day-to-day activities, but cautious in anything else. If it's important, I make plans.
Adventurous or Homey: Adventurous
Stoic or Openly Emotional: Hmm, I tend to be stoic around people I don't know, but my emotions do come out at times.
Selfish or Selfless: Probably more selfish. There are people I'd be selfless for, but I think the actions most people take - even seemingly selfless ones - do have a bit of selfishness, as you'd feel awful if you didn't take them/are trying to avoid negative feelings, no?
Leader or Follower: True to my MBTI stereotype, a background leader. I'm too opinionated and outspoken to be a complete follower, but I prefer to advise rather than outright lead. I will take up a leader position if no one else is willing to and/or the only people who want to are incompetent, though.
Calm or Temperamental: Calm, at least on the outside.

A close friend/relative of yours has been selected for the Hunger Games! How would you react?
As said, I don't really value much, so if a close friend was picked... I'd be devastated, most likely even volunteer to take their place. Like hell if I'm letting anyone take the few things I do value from me.

You find a fugitive from another District on your territory. What would you do?
Help them, but be discreet about it. Maybe give them some extra supplies and a detailed description of how to navigate the area, but don't let them linger too long.

How willing would you be to kill if you were in the Games? What if it was your best friend?
Willing enough to stay alive. Far less likely if it was my best friend, since see my answer two questions ago. I suppose we'd have to put one of us out of the other's misery eventually, as they'd just barely keep on alive like they did with Cato otherwise, but... I'd be hoping it wouldn't come to that.

It's your first day in The Hunger Games and everyone is gathered at the Cornucopia. You spot your weapon of choice right out in the open, but you know there's going to be a bloodbath. What do you do?
Unfortunately, I'm very impatient, so I'd probably run towards it and try to grab at least the weapon or a bag. At least I'm pretty fast, so I'd just run out of the asap afterwards instead of staying to fight over everything.

What would your weapon of choice be?
Magic. What do you mean that's not an option?! I'm not that strong, and while I'd probably try to train with daggers or spears since they can be thrown at a distance and used as short range weapons, I imagine I'd have to go back to relying on wit most of the time.

A fellow tribute has approached you asking for friendship, what would be your first reaction?
It really depends on a lot of factors. I think I'd team up with them if they're not a Career, since the odds of us killing each other while there are bigger threats are pretty low... unless they seem like they're about to irrationally stab me in my sleep without thinking, as taking in their mental state is another consideration.

You're hiding up a tree when you spot the Career Pack coming and they're below you, although they seem to not notice you yet. What would you do?
Also depends on a lot of factors. Do I have a weapon? Is there anything around me I could use to my advantage? In most cases, I'd probably just try to make sure I'm not spotted and try following them a bit to spy, to determine weaknesses and see if there's any way I can lure them into a trap nearby.

You're starting to get thirsty and you suspect that there won't be another water source up ahead. You have no choice but to head back to the first lake you're spotted. Would you risk being spotted by other tributes to go back?
Most likely. Dying in battle is at least less embarrassing than dying of dehydration.

Your stomach has been empty for quite some time now and you're starting to feel tired from the lack of food. You spot some berries nearby but they look foreign to you. What do you do?
Pick them up and save them in case I don't find anything better. If I'm about to die anyway, I'll risk eating them. Otherwise, keep looking.

You've won the games! What do you think led you to your victory?
Uh, either I had incredible luck or all of my other opponents really sucked.

What's the most important thing for you when you're in the Games?
Staying alive while not becoming a pawn of the government?

Have you read The Hunger Games? If so, did you enjoy it? Yes and yes, well... mostly yes for the second question. I enjoyed everything that didn't involve the annoying as hell love triangle.
What was your favorite part? The Quarter Quell. Everything about that was brilliant.
Who was your LEAST favorite character? President Snow or all the random annoying Capital people who never seem to think about anything other than parties?
Anyone you prefer not to get? (Please limit this to 2 characters and give valid reasons why you're not like them)
Anything else?

[x] I've voted on all unstamped applications!
(You have to vote on all unstamped applications in order to get stamped)

VOTERS: List of character options are all here. All characters are options.

regular: haymitch

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