I hope this place is still active!
Name: queen_islanzadi, a.k.a Sarah
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Stamp preference:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Both
[x] Best fit
Describe your personality: I have a dry, sarcastic sense of humour and I always have a witty comment to make - usually to avoid showing my true emotions. I can be blunt and opinionated, and I'm not afraid to hide it. Surprisingly I'm also a little shy and a bit girly - I love shoes!
What kind of person would you project yourself to be for the games? I'm quite tall and solid, so I don't think the "I'm so innocent and weak, don't shoot me" method would work too well. I'd probably try to team up with the strongest tributes and then outsmart them.
Positive traits: Sense of humour, fairly intelligent, perfectionist, cunning.
Negative traits: Stubborn/pig-headed, shy, insensitive, very closed (that is, I don't really open up to people all that well).
Likes: Books/reading, music, sweets, movies, video games...shoes :D
Dislikes: People who are proud of not reading books, bad grammar, narrow-minded/prejudiced/judgemental people, insects, reptiles...creepy-crawlies D:
Best quality: Hard-working. I'm a perfectionist, so if I'm going to do somethen then by God it'll be done well.
Worst quality: I'm too stubborn. Also I procrastinate.
What do you value most?: NGL, myself.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Slightly more optimistic
Reserved or Outgoing: Reserved
Trusting or Cynical: CYNICAL
Impulsive or Cautious: Catious
Adventurous or Homey: Homey
Stoic or Openly Emotional: Stoic
Selfish or Selfless: Selfish
Leader or Follower: Leader
Calm or Temperamental: Calm for the most part. When I lose my temper, watch out.
A close friend/relative of yours has been selected for the Hunger Games! How would you react?
I'd definitely be upset, but I'd try to be strong for/around them. I'd probably try and come up with strategies and such.
You find a fugitive from another District on your territory. What would you do?
Ignore them - I don't want any part of that trouble!
How willing would you be to kill if you were in the Games? What if it was your best friend?
Sitting at home in my lounge room, it's easy to say that I could kill the others. But if I was faced with that in real life...I can't say whether or not I could. I'd like to think that if it were a situation of me or the other person, I'd survive. As for a best friend...I wouldn't be able to do it unless it would be kinder for them to die rather than continue to live (if they were hijacked, badly injured etc. and I knew they were suffering too much).
It's your first day in The Hunger Games and everyone is gathered at the Cornucopia. You spot your weapon of choice right out in the open, but you know there's going to be a bloodbath. What do you do?
Depends on how easy it is to get to the weapon, what the weapon is, what my skills are, etc. If I was reasonably sure that I'd get to it and be unharmed, I go for it.
What would your weapon of choice be?
Now I've always thought I'd be an archer, but my build and strength would probably mean I'd be alright with a sword of some sort. Ideally I'd have a sniper rifle or something, that I could use long distance.
A fellow tribute has approached you asking for friendship, what would be your first reaction?
Suspicion. I'd try and use the situation to my advantage, whether that meant forming an alliance or killing them.
You're hiding up a tree when you spot the Career Pack coming and they're below you, although they seem to not notice you yet. What would you do?
It's not likely that I'd be in a tree in the first place as I don't like heights, and I'd possibly be part of the pack anyway, but I'd try and escape notice and engineer the situation so that I could get rid of them.
You're starting to get thirsty and you suspect that there won't be another water source up ahead. You have no choice but to head back to the first lake you're spotted. Would you risk being spotted by other tributes to go back?
Yes. Dehydration wouldn't be a good way to go.
Your stomach has been empty for quite some time now and you're starting to feel tired from the lack of food. You spot some berries nearby but they look foreign to you. What do you do?
I know nothing about berries anyway, so I might avoid them or try and use them as a trap.
You've won the games! What do you think led you to your victory?
Cunning and strategy.
What's the most important thing for you when you're in the Games?
Have you read The Hunger Games? If so, did you enjoy it? I finished them last night, and I really enjoyed them.
What was your favorite part? All the parts with Finnick haha. Actually, I really enjoyed the first games. Everything was new and exciting, and the characters and fjksljflsjlkds yay
Who was your LEAST favorite character? Snow, obviously. I didn't much like Coin either.
Anyone you prefer not to get? (Please limit this to 2 characters and give valid reasons why you're not like them) None - hit me with your best shot (oh god did i just say that)
Anything else? Nope!
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