Name: Samantha
Are you over 13?: Yes
Previously stamped as: Annie and Cinna for my regulars and Catching Fire for the book theme.
Positive Traits: Strong-willed, intelligent, determined, mature, intuitive, artistic, sympathetic, passionate, sensible, profound, dignified, goal-orientated, feminine, romantic, cautious
Negative Traits: Contradictory, perfectionist, ambitious, irritable, guarded, headstrong, indecisive, emotional, sensitive, selfish, temperamental, neurotic, domineering, disputatious, defensive, spiteful, critical, hesitant to change
Rank the options from 1-11. 1 being the one you favour the most, 11 being the least.
[9] Fishing
[1] Fashion
[4] Training of peacekeepers
[10] Nuclear technology
[5] Agriculture
[2] Textiles
[6] Electronics
[11] Coal mining
[7] Livestock
[3] Jewellery
[8] Lumber
Answer these questions as though you are in The Hunger Games universe.
How would you picture the place you live in?: On the whole, somewhere clean and cozy. If I had to live life simply, I would like for the place to be beautiful - maybe lots of greenery or just having one of mother nature's gifts near by, like a vast ocean or even pretty flowers adorning the area. If my family had been more wealthier, I would like to live in a place that's busy, and more modern, with people who are chasing dreams of their own. It's so hard to answer this question without being biased.
What climate would it have?: More towards the cold side, but not cold all the time.
On a scale of 10, how willing and capable are you of doing hard labour?: 4, I would say. I can work hard but honestly speaking, the thought of hard work makes me feel miserable, although I would do it if I have to support my loved ones.
What is one thing the place you live in must have?: Water. Mainly because, I don't think I can stand the thought of living in a filthy place and water is essential for cleaning. I tend to get dehydrated fast too, and I've always felt an affinity to the element of water (being a Cancerian). Another thing - the people I love.
Do you prefer nature or the city? The City for me, I've always been more of a city girl.
Anything else to say? Thanks for voting!
Which location would you not wanted to be stamped as and why? (Limit to one) District 13, I don't think I can stand the thought of living underground and having to be so repressed.
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