capeandcowl CR Table

Jul 01, 2010 01:11

Clint Barton | Marvel 616 // Dropped | 70_pull_weight
Hawkeye is Bobbi's ex-husband, teammate, partner, and is probably the closest person to her, and while she loves him, their relationship is far from perfect. At the time Bobbi was ported into the City, she and Clint had just started their romantic relationship over, but by the time Clint joined her in the City some months later, there was obviously tension brewing between them. Again. By the time Clint was ported out some months down the line, the two had lost some of that closeness, and while they remained outwardly devoted to one another, Bobbi sensed that they were on the verge of yet another split.

Hank McCoy | Marvel 616 | bluepurrymuffin
Beast is Bobbi's fellow teammate and Avenger, as well as a fellow scientific mind. She's come to work more closely with him in the City than she ever had the opportunity to back home, and she genuinely enjoys his company. She finds him easy to work with and endlessly amusing, and has come to view him as an invaluable member of the team and sounding board.

Peter Parker | Marvel 616 | incywincyhero
Spider-Man and Mockingbird first teamed up years ago, but they didn't work closely together until after Bobbi was released from the custody of the Skrulls. She gets along well with Peter, though she's admittedly said and done some things that may have lessened his opinion of her (see Electro's entry.) Still, she finds him greatly entertaining and always looks forward to quipping with him on a regular basis.

Bucky Barnes | Marvel 616 | deadthenred
Bucky is another guy Bobbi finds extremely entertaining, even if he is somewhat confusing to her.  The fact that he isn't the Bucky she's fought alongside always seems to throw her for a loop, but she is intrigued by this young man and the transition he will make to become the Captain America of her world.  And while he might just see her as the strange blonde who seems to know a bit too much about him, she'd have his back if he ever needed it.

Thor | Marvel 616 | godofnicehair
Thor is the only Avenger besides Bobbi who currently lives in the Mansion, and as such, she sees more of him than she does of the others.  While they weren't especially close back home, she has developed a special fondness for the Thunder God and has enjoyed a few adventures with him that would make excellent cocktail fodder.

Pietro Maximoff | Marvel 616 | oncemercurial
Quicksilver is Mockingbird's favorite target in the City when it comes to cracking a joke.  The two have come into a strange relationship in that she's stepped in to fill Hawkeye's role as Pietro's primary antagonist.  That said, he may be her closest platonic friend in the City.  She has a great deal of respect for him and even served as the "best man" during his wedding to Firestar.

Natasha Romanov | Marvel 616 | russianreverse
Black Widow is the co-leader of the Avengers and is a woman Bobbi holds in high regard, though she's always felt distant from her. It's not a matter of lack of trust so much as a... lack of friendship. She knows her in a professional capacity, and of course through Clint, and that's colored how she thinks of Natasha.  While that isn't a negative factor, it is significant. Bobbi certainly wouldn't mind getting to know Natasha better, but she understands that some people keep a distance for a reason and doesn't want to seem overbearing. She can respect Natasha's privacy feels she can rely on Natasha as an ally and team mate, and she generally trusts her judgment.

Bob Reynolds | Marvel 616 | couldbeavoided
The Sentry leaves Bobbi in turns both in awe and in fear.  She's all too aware of the power lurking within him and of his capabilities if pushed too far, but she's a firm believer in not holding one's future actions against them.  She agrees with the Avenger's decision to keep an eye on Bob and to keep him as a member of the team, on the condition that action be taken by the team the moment he shows any signs of cracking.

Jessica Jones | Marvel 616 | fuuuuuuuck
Jessica is from several years prior to meeting Bobbi and becoming an Avenger, so their relationship in the City is different than their relationship back home.  That said, Jessica may be Bobbi's closest female friend due to their similar histories and experiences, and while they aren't best buddies, Bobbi likes Jessica and is optimistic that their friendship will continue strengthen over time.  She especially appreciates Jessica's willingness to get over Bobbi's mistakes and her nonjudgmental assessment of Bobbi's life.

Wanda Lensherr | Marvel Ultimates // Dropped | tothebalkans
The Scarlet Witch of the Ultimates universe is one who is considerably different from the woman Bobbi knew and worked with back home.  She found this version of Wanda to be more aloof and distant from her former-friend, and while she consciously knew that this Wanda had not gone insane and murdered her teammates, she often found it difficult to separate her personal feelings about the situation from her desire to maintain a friendly working relationship- with Wanda.  That said, she's well aware of this Wanda's previous attempts to begin a relationship with Clint, which caused a bit of strain between them.

Danny Rand | Marvel 616 // Dropped | iron_fister
Iron Fist and Mockingbird weren't especially close in the City, but they maintained a courteous professional relationship up until the point when Bobbi was infected by an illness that caused her to attack Danny… with her teeth.  In the aftermath, they worked more frequently together, and Bobbi continued to view Iron Fist as a trusted member of the Avengers.

Tony Stark | Marvel 616 | iron_liver
Iron Man's first response to Mockingbird's appearance was to flirt with her shamelessly, and it all went slightly downhill from there.  The timeline disparity between them led to some interesting miscommunications and misunderstandings, and they had some rather obvious differences of opinion.  However, they still worked as teammates, and upon Tony's temporary departure from the City, Bobbi stepped in to take on the role as the leader of the Avengers.  Now that he's back, she isn't keen to give up her position, especially after the work she's put in to rebuild the team, though she has welcomed him back to the Avengers with relatively open arms.

Stephen Strange | Marvel 616 | hoaryhosts
Doctor Strange is the first (and probably only) man Mockingbird will turn to when it comes to matters of a mystical variety.  He's still a bit of a mystery to her on a personal level, though she knows him to be capable and easy to work with professionally.  While he isn't active on the Avengers roster, he is most certainly a good ally to have in a pinch.

Misty Knight | Marvel 616 // Dropped | lolroboarm
Misty and Bobbi were closer in the City than they ever were back home.  They formed an easy friendship, one that only seemed to strengthen when they became involved with a certain villainous duo.  Bobbi was one of Misty's fiercest defenders, and vice-versa, and Bobbi found herself especially saddened by Misty's sudden departure from the City.

Luke Cage | Marvel 616 // Dropped | lukefuckingcage
Power Man was co-leader of the Avengers before his departure from the City, with Bobbi more or less serving as his second in command.  She has great respect for him as a leader and friend, though they often butted heads when it came to decision making.  Their tactics weren't always the same, nor were the conclusions they came to, and it made for some interesting dynamics in Avengers meetings.

Max Dillon | Marvel 616 | electrouble
Electro and Mockingbird are secretly involved with each other.  The seeds of the relationship were planted during the vampirism outbreak, and the two carried on flirtatious banter for months.  After finally making out on New Year's Eve and later consummating their affair, they tried to continue their relationship in secret without anyone else becoming aware that the leader of the Avengers was sleeping with a well-known villain.  Of course, this didn't quite work out for the pair, especially when it came to light that Max was seeing another woman in addition to Bobbi.  Despite her protests to the contrary, she has strong feelings for Max, complicated, messy feelings, and sorting out her emotions from what is best for herself and the team is proving to be a taxing ordeal.

Vic Sage | DC | nottheanswers
The Question and Mockingbird work together in a professional aspect; Bobbi recreated and supplies Vic with chemicals necessary for his signature mask while Bobbi has a free pass to call on Vic should the need arise.  She doesn't know a great deal about him, but she trusts him and knows him to be capable in the field.

The Pro | The Pro | hhhhfuckedagain
The Pro is the other woman in Bobbi's romantic relationship with Max Dillon.  Or rather, Bobbi was the other woman.  Bobbi was vaguely aware of the Pro before Max's infidelities came to light, and she feels somewhat guilty over sleeping with the other woman's boyfriend.  She has nothing personal against the Pro, in fact she feels sympathy for her, but her own feelings for Electro complicate matters for them.

James Rogers | Marvel: Next Avengers | carrytheshield
James Rogers is the son of Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanov from an alternate reality, and is the only connection to that reality Bobbi has.  James has told Bobbi of her future son from his world, a boy named Francis, and while she wouldn't describe her reaction to James as maternal, she continues to view him in a materteral manner.  She supports the decision to allow him to join the Avengers in a junior/training capacity and expects great things from the boy.

Ggio Vega | Bleach | ridethetiger
Ggio first caught Bobbi's attention by yelling at the Network in Spanish.  Her response in Spanish no doubt confused the young man, and from there, an unlikely mother/son relationship was formed.  Bobbi took it upon herself to teach Ggio to read and speak English, and he more or less took on the role as her unofficial guardian, albeit from afar.  She often calls him "kitten", or "sugar plum", and she may be the only person in the City to whom he is completely loyal.  She would do anything to aid him, including making his lunch and walking him to school.

Lyra Silvertongue | His Dark Materials | lyingbrat
Lyra is Bobbi's other adoptive child.  She was initially struck by the girl's curiosity and bravery and immediately drew similarities between Lyra and herself as a child.  She has continually stepped in whenever Lyra was hurt or in trouble, and will continue to do so in the future.  She plans to continue nurturing Lyra's natural quest for knowledge and support her in anyway she can, all while trying to provide a good role model for a the girl.

cr, ooc, cape and cowl

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