Character History

Jan 29, 2009 12:38

NAME: Katherine “Kate” Elizabeth Bishop a.k.a the third Hawkeye
AGE: mid-teens to early 20s; I’ll pretend she’s 20.
GENDER: Female
ROLE IN CANON: part of Young Avengers team
FANDOM/MEDIUM: Young Avengers/comics
TIMELINE PERIOD: After the Initiative is set and she defects to the Secret Avengers
ABILITIES: Photographic memory, mild muscle mimicry, several martial arts form, self-defense, master archer, fencing and sword fighting.

CHARACTER HISTORY: *note: Really long history cut short for easy reading*
Kate’s history is pretty much a tale of self-made perseverance. Her story really begins prior to her first appearance in Young Avengers. The girl was attacked in Central Park and the assault was of a sexual nature. Most women would fold under the experience but it made Kate determined to not let herself be weak ever again like that. Doing so, the girl engaged in intense combat training in many martial arts field to “toughen” her up. She also learnt how to fence, swordfight, and archery.

Her first introduction to the team was when they had to rescue several civilians. Being level-headed and calm under intense situations, she easily handled the situation and this lead to her own investigation of the team. Kate eventually followed the Young Avengers back to Avengers mansion where she donned the gear of Mockingbird and Hawkeye, along with Black Widow’s utility belt and Swordsman’s sword.

She became close to her teammates, especially Stature. She has a unique relationship with the team leader Patriot. Many times the other members jokingly refers to him as her boyfriend even though, according to her, “all we do is fight”. With her close friendships in the team, the girl becomes the driving force and pushes everyone to stay together and work as a team. Kate became an unofficial deputy-leader of the Young Avengers and even sometimes giving orders to Patriot.

After the death of Clint Barton, Captain America offers her the official gear and codename of Hawkeye. Since Kate is very much like Clint, Steve believed that she is his rightful successor. She agrees and dons the codename in Clint’s memory.

After the events of the civil war, Hawkeye joined the Initiative and registered with the Superhuman Registration Act. Later on, she meets the resurrected Clint Barton dressed as Captain America after Steve Rogers’s death. She criticize the man for dressing as Captain America without realizing that he is her predecessor. Kate, unknowingly, earns the first Hawkeye’s approval and later gained his blessing for her to be Hawkeye.

She eventually learns that Clint is still alive and goes by the codename Ronin now. He convince her to defect from the Initiative and join the Secret Avengers because of what happened to Steve. She agrees with her mentor and she joins forces with him. He teaches her how to be the best Hawkeye possible and the girl learns his trick of mild muscle mimicry.
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