May 30, 2009 04:13
Two of my favorite inspirational people are Deepak Chopra, and Wayne Dyer. Every time I listen to them or read their words, I feel like I can become a better person.
Unfortunately every time I try, I fall flat on my face. Now I know that this is a tough time for me due to mourning my mom, daughter, dad, and friends moving away. But sometimes I wonder if I'm one of those people who just suck.
I want to become a better person, but I'm always sarcastic and cynical. Plus a lot of the time I am actually painfully shy so it's hard for me to meet people. And I dislike small talk so I'm never any good at that.
Most people don't want to talk about how much I love Robert Smith; The Cure; snakes; physics and British comedy. Even on the internet I find it hard to connect with people (the only exception to that has been other Cure fans, who are fabulous). So even on this vast world wide web, I feel like an outsider.
But I don't want to sounds like I'm complaining, because I feel quite good at the moment. I was even inspired to start cleaning, which is a daunting task and will take forever. I am enjoying a feeling of accomplishment even though it's just the tip of the ice burg.
So if I can do the things on my To Do list, then maybe I can get my head in the right place to get a job. I think there's some saying about getting your house in order. I think it's really a metaphor, but in my case it actually applies.