Sep 20, 2008 05:00
A friend of mine moved back to this area recently and is again working at the store where we used to work together. I said I would visit her there when I had a respite day. So I decided to go on Thursday, and bring Robert along. I thought she would like him. I was wrong. She freaked out and wouldn't get within 6 feet of us. I was somewhat taken aback by that behavior.He was in his pillowcase and wrapped up in his baby blanky, so you couldn't even tell what was in there until she made a big stink about it. One of the girls she works with was very interested in him. She asked if she could see how big he was. So I took him out. Then she wanted to hold him, so I let her. But Robert kept coming back to me instead, It was so cute, he wanted his mommy. He is such a great snake...and he loves his mommy!
Tomorrow a Hospice volunteer is coming in to stay with my mom so I can get out and see the new Samuel L Jackson movie. It looks so good. I love him when he plays a bad guy. I found out what the L stands for in his name...motherfucker. Heh.