Sep 14, 2008 02:41
So another aggravating day in my life. My mother is driving me nuts as usual. I'm bored out of my mind. And shitty things around the house are going wrong, and I can't fix them by myself because I have no clue what to do.
I'm so disgusted I almost broke down and ordered some Louis Vuitton stuff on line. But luckily I eased myself out of it by: a) looking at all the stuff I already have and never use anymore b) reminding myself that I cannot go anywhere anymore, so where would I use it? and of course c) I cannot work and have no money, so how would I possibly pay the credit card bill?
Hospice has been coming in three times a week to do personal care on my mom, so that is a little less for me to do. Everyone that works there is terrific. They also bring some supplies and stuff to help us, which is great. I had no idea that they did so much to help people. I always just thought they came when someone was dying. My bff, who was a hospice nurse for years, told me to ask about getting help from them. They do a lot to help caregivers like myself. I still get extremely overwhelmed and frustrated, because they're not here when it's feeding time, which is a major pain in the ass. My mom makes such a mess with her food and half the time she just plays with the food instead of eating it. It's like having a fucking three year old...and I never wanted kids.
Robert's rash is almost totally gone. The vet said their metabolisms are very slow. He went into a premature shed because he wasn't feeling well. Yesterday he shed, but it wasn't in a whole piece. It was a mess, lot's of little pieces, and I had to help him get some of it off. Poor boo. Last night we snuggled on the couch while I watched telly. I've discovered if I don't bother him every day, he wants to be with me more. Just like a male. I tried to get him to eat the other day and he showed no interest again. He hasn't eaten in over a month and of course I'm a bit concerned. The vet said they can get used to not eating for a long time, but it's not a good idea. I'll try again in a few days. I hope he doesn't want to start eating live rats. If he doesn't eat in a few days I'm gonna ask the vet what I should do. It would really kill me to have to offer him live things. But...I'm his mom and if that's what he prefers from now on, I'll have to take a big girl pill and do it. *meep*