A full service mother's day

May 15, 2006 14:22

My gift from my beloved husband was three gorgeous hanging baskets of flowering plants for our front porch. Simply beautiful, and he picked them out himself! :)

The day was well, nuts. We sang in church, so we had to be there at 8:30, so you can imagine the hectic household from 7:00 to 8:40, when we actually got there. The wrench in the whole day, was that Sam woke up with a nasty cold, hacking cough, runny nose, sneezing, etc. So we couldn't let him go to Sunday school, but we didn't feel that we could back out of the singing thing this late in the game. During the first service, I knew it was going to be a problem for Sam when we got up on stage, so I asked a woman who he sorta knows to hold onto him during the song, thinking she'd have the sense to take him out, if he couldn't hold it together. Well, it became clear right away, that he wasn't going to hold it together, and she wasn't going to take him out, so I told Dave to say something during the intro to the song. With the sobbing two-year-old in the back, he said, "It's ok, Sam," into the microphone, to which the congregation replied with a sappy, "Ahh." Sammy sobbed through the entire song. ug. As we were walking off stage toward him, the pastor said, "Well, Happy Mother's Day!" He's got a quick wit and a fun sense of humor. The singing went well, if you ask me, Dave felt otherwise, but he's the guitarist, and well, you know Dave.

The second service was another story. This time, I found someone to watch Sam out in the social area while he ate some sweets. I had committed to teach the two-year-old Sunday school class, which I did before I knew that we were going to sing. So I found someone to sit in for me while we sang and then had Nathan dedicated (which was pretty unimpressive, but oh well). I taught the three little two-year-olds, which wears me out, man.

Between services Dave and I prayed for this older man at church with a serious health problem for which he is having tests done today, so I'm anxious to find out what will happen. Then after church a young girl asked us to pray for her cold because she had some kind of big audition thing today.
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