Title: Abandoned
Pairing: TaecJay-ish
Rating: PG
“I was always there for you, but you were never there for me.”
Tacyeon ripped the headphones off of his head and threw them onto the desk beside his laptop, before burying his head in his hands, his body heaving.
Why was this hurting so much? Still? It was just so stupid, how he still couldn’t get over the past, still couldn’t get over some guy who had most likely moved on, still dreamt about him, still cried himself to sleep some nights, still missed him so much.
It just wasn’t fair how this song struck him so hard, that he felt his heart break all over again and the regret pricking at his mind.
Hitting his head on the desk, Taecyeon groaned as everything that had happened rushed through his head again. Why did he keep dwelling on the past? It had happened a year ago for God’s sakes! Get over it already! He cursed at himself.
Shooting up in his seat when he heard footsteps, he grabbed the headphones and put them back on, all the while minimizing the YouTube page with his other hand. Quickly opening his iTunes to put on some music, taecyeon turned slightly to the side as the door opened.
“Hyung? Are you okay? I heard you swearing..”
Taecyeon grinned sheepishly. “I accidently dropped my headphones. I thought they broke.”
Wooyoung nodded and smiled. “There’s food. Hurry before Chansung eats all of it.” Then he left.
Taecyeon’s smile dropped and he turned back to his laptop. Re-opening the music video, he sighed sadly before closing it and leaving to join the others for dinner.