am i a sack of potatoes?

Nov 10, 2006 01:12

mmkay. so today started withhh...apush. just took notes and all that good stuff. and then it was spanish. we continued the movie. it's frickin' hilarious. the guy was supposed to be "crying." and you see this pretty big GROWN man "crying" but he actually sounds like he's LAUGHING. god it was funny. me and pauline were like "LMAO WTF?!" so we gotta work on the hw tomorrow cuz we don't get it. keke.

8th off. we headed into the cafeteria cuz...well, it's frickin' negative bajillion x infinity degrees outside. me and kathy just studied for chem basically. but i kept getting distracted and kathy was like "...soo how's your studying going?" lol. and i did the waterbottle thingie again. it was fun xD i can do it super fast now :D:D:D so me and kathy just studied throughout lunch...

then english. we had to give our presentations and omgosh...i'm SO bad at public speaking. it's not even funny. i was like stammering and stuttering and getting my words jumbled and i'm pretty sure i was red as a tomato. OH that reminds me. i realized a couple things today.

1. my face is NATURALLY ALWAYS as red as a tomato. i don't know why. i don't like it. my face is ALWAYS redish, no matter what =| not cool.

2. i have the DORKIEST laugh EVER. it's like this goofy giggle...*shakes head* FAIL.

3. i make the weirdest noises ever. i make a small noise for everything i do..running into something, tripping, picking up a book, standing up, name it, i noise it x.x

4. i am SUCH a sucker for black dress shirts and/or black kidding. brandon wore a black dress shirt and black slacks today and i was like "O___O.... :o !!! holy crap..NICE... :x" lol, i absolutely LOVE black dress shirts. oh and ties. i think guys look REALLY good with ties and a black dress shirt and black slacks. that's like. the ULTIMATE hot outfit x]

anyways. so yeah, then we had precallccc. we got PIZZA. awesomest class everrrr. we just sat around, talked, and ate pizza the entire period. he handed us back our tests and i got a 98!! dude, i totally could have gotten a 100 but i misread the question as cos-1, instead of just cos...F;ALKSDA FAILLLL!!! D< then we went to chem and did this experiment thingie. and chem quiz was meeehh...

so then i went into the foyer and i automatically get bombarded with "can i have a slice of your pizza?" xD dude, i paid four dollars and i only got 3 slices which weren't even that big to begin with. i ate one in class and saved like 2. one was for my brother, and the other was for alyssa. she didn't want hers though, so i gave it to this guy to share with brandon and i was like "rawrr i paid like four bucks for these stupid slices, lol" and then brandon was like "oh, nevermind, i don't want it then. i'll just eat these crusts." so the guy got the entire slice to himself -____- tch, brandon trying to be all modest D< ...but i have to admit, that was really really nice of him, lol. i was like "aww...brandon's so sweet" x] and he "paid" me back for the crusts with a big hug LOL :]

me and tiffany talked about korean dramas and stuff, hahaha. and then and blair and kathy were just goofing off and "arguing" about who was corrupting our little group. it's kathy. it's so obvious, but she's in denial. how sad :[ so yeah, she kept making ridiculous accusations from GOD knows where *rolls eyes* :p and then she left, and it was just me and blair and we talked about random thinggss. i tried on her class ring. it's kinda pretty, save for the fact that iti's like wearing a boulder on your finger Dx and then brandon came over and held out his hand (i was sitting on the floor, he was standing) so i was like .___. weyo..? and took it and he pulled me up and he said he was leaving so i gave him a hug. and then danielle came up from behind me and picked me up and twirled me around. i was like "x.x ! who is that?!" lol, and she twirled me some more and flung me around like i was a pillow =|

and then brandon grabbed my wrist and was like "look at that spot on the floor"...well, obviously i looked...i mean, hey, this is ME. i'll look anywhere so long as you point T___T anyways, so i looked. and the next thing i know, i'm flung across brandon's shoulder and my face is facing his back. sooo...he picked me up like a bag of potatoes...and i was freaking out cuz i thought i was gonna fall or something. and danielle said something like "i wanna smack her butt" so brandon gestured my butt to her and she smacked it =| i was like "O_O VIOLATION!! THAT'S A VIOLATOIN! SEXUAL HARASSMENT!!" and brandon tried to stick me in an empty food drive barrel =| thenn brandon put me down and left xD

i ended up giving away my pizza slices, except for ONE. arghh, i'm such a pushover :[ i can't say no..T___T it makes me feel SO bad >_< me and danielle "held hands" and talked outside about stuffff :3 and sofia came and i held her hand randomly LOL xD so danielle ended up leaving..

i went inside the library and finished the seventeen magazine i was reading the other day. there was this heckuva disturbing story inside. this american soldier convinced his fellow soldiers to bust into an 14 YEAR OLD iraqi girl's home and rape her. and they did. the soldier who initiated the idea also shot her mom, dad, and younger sister. then he violently raped the 14 year old girl who was begging them to stop (it was a gang rape) and when he "finished," he got up and shot her in the head, then twice at her body (?). then another soldier poured kerosene onto her body and lit it on fire. that's disgusting. i was so apalled at this. i mean, everyone is like "blah blah american soldiers are putting themselves on the line for the nation" okay, i appreciate that and all and i'm not saying all soldiers go and rape iraqi girls, but WTF WAS THAT SOLDIER THINKING?! we all assume that every soldier is noble and honest and shit like that. in reality, there are these sick fuckheads going around doing fucked up shit like that to random, innocent people. i think i lost all faith in humanity. and then i go onto myspace to see this bulletin about how norway or whatever has this fucked up "sport" where they clobber BABY seals over the head and beat them to death...W.T.F. SPORT?! "SPORT" MY FUCKING NONEXISTENT ASS. what the hell have we become? seriously. i mean people in america are like "oh blah blah iraqis are bad cuz osama bombed us *whine*" okay, yeah, that was pretty damn bad. but an american soldier RAPED A FOURTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL AND SHOT HER FAMILY TO DEATH. neither countries is better than the other. we're both fucked up. goddamn. makes me not wanna be human =|

heh. kay, i'm longgg post x]
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