What is the meaning of H-O-L-I-D-A-Y ?

Feb 19, 2005 04:14

Holiday- leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure; "we get two weeks of vacation every summer"; "we took a short holiday in Puerto Rico"

Its half term break and a have a unfuckingbelievable amount of hw on my hands. Evidently, from the quote above, the meaning of holiday and vacation for teachers means something completely different.

But on the bright side of things, I don't itch anymore! and my hair is back to normal. Thank god. LOL. No thanks to my very supportive friends, bellaca and down_n_dirrty LOL, not.
It took like, 15 hair washes to get the gunk fully out.

Anyway, i need to go shopping for my NYC trip. Anyone knw what to buy? LOL. im very forgetful. when i think ive got all i need, i always forget sumthing. Last time, it was my toothpaste. This time? no idea. thats why i need a list. LOL.

Well, thats my update for the day. Call me random if you like. Cuz thats what i am. (and also because nothing else happens to me...)
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