Pairing: HanChul
Rating: NC-17
Summary/Notes: This is
gamia's request-from-forevers-ago-turned-belated-birthday-fic XD And I'm sad to say it's not my best, by far D: I haven't wrote smut in sooo long *--* I clearly need practice! But anyways, this way for rusty smut and attempted breathplay X3
Before he could protest, Hankyung was calmly tying the sleeve around his eyes like a blindfold. . . )
Comments 40
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Thank you~!!
HanChul is my major bias is well, I happy that you liked it^^
i particularly loved the part where Hankyung unwillingly moaned. god-fucking-yes. sexxaaayy :Q.... you do realize that this can be categorized as both wall and couch sex right? D: loved it!
i love you. marry me. have my babies. <33
Haha, really? Things like that amuse me to no end, so I had to write it♥ XD I guess it can~~ I now feel like writing full-blown wall sex *--* NO.
/shot. I'm sorry, I like things like that X3
OF COURSE. We'll raise our children to be sassy gay boys, because everyone loves sassy gay boys♥
SEX SEX SEX. I LOVE READING 'EM. but good god i can't write 'em. D: D: D: WINDOW SEX YES PRZ.
and we'll have rainbows and gay unicorns and all for their weddings. gay boys *flails*
I feel like I can't write it anymore *--* I'll try that too~ OH.
Did I tell you my plans for Christmas for LJ?
I decided to do a "12 Days of Christmas and Posting". I was gunna post this yesterday, and then a fic(probably smut for practice) or fanart a day until Christmas/Christmas Eve when I would update my chaptered fics. but I'm behind. So I'm contemplating writing something quick before tonight to get on track, or just change it to "11 Days of Christmas and Posting" X3
Lawl~ When I think of gay unicorns I think of Zhou Mi XD That's his animal for SuJu Carnival. He's a unicorn on the carousel
Also, I LOVE your icon.
If you get Heechul in handcuffs, and I manage to get Hankyung in nothing at all, let's rendezvous
Don’t ever say you lost your magic touch cuz this just work wonders on so many levels! xD
My face was as red as a ripe tomato while reading this! ;)
Gracious it was totally smut dirty and sexy. HanChul never fails! xD
haha ♥
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