Title: Self-Proclaimed Incubus [pt.3]
Rating: PG
Pairing: HanChul, others to come
Genre: Smut, Comedy/General
Notes/Summary: I finally have a solid summary for this, but I won't put it up yet, because I feel like it would be a spoiler. It probably won't be, but this is what I think, so yeah :P
Is he your lover? )
Comments 17
you're baack
Im so glad you havent given up on this amazingly perverted plot. Its just freaking amazing and just UGH MORE SMUT NAO, KAY! lol
He rolled over into a rather fancy looking pillow with a groan when a weak wave of nausea hit him, leaving him surprisingly drained. He decided that nap Heechul suggested didn’t sound too bad after all and curled up to try to sleep off the sickly feeling.
Oh. :((( COME ON HEENIM!! give it up.
I wanna read the follow up to this scene pretty badly. lol
Good job/luck bb ♥
I promise I'll try to put some smut it for the next chapter :3
Heechul doesn't want to look too easy, now~
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Actually, I was slightly disappointed by the MV, but because it's Geng of course I love it anyways :3
Ha, there should be, don't worry XP
I've been waiting for this update forevarrr.
But yeah, this, was amazing xD
I love Kyung and his self-proclaimed relationship with Chul.
I approve, Chul approves but he's in denial, and I think the whole world simply approves.
I was expecting some unflicious smut and there was none...
My inner self is weeping.
But this was great.
This whole series is great.
You're great.
Update soon~
I got lazy over the summer, and now I have AP classes and a rebeling laptop. So I apologize in advance XD
The whole world definitely approves.
What it doesn't approve of, however, is Chul's fully-clothed denial.
Hahaha, there will most definitely be smut in the next chapter, whenever I get it rewritten. I was wanting to move the plot along, but this chapter seemed to not have any substance at all =__=
Thank youuuss~~
I'll do my best~
Thank you for being so patient♥
I just discover this story of yours.. *fails* =="
I love this!! bad boy Hankyung is so win!!! hiyaaa! I always love that image from Hankyung~~~ Aww.. Heechul in denial~ Get over it already, Heechul...you won't win..kekekeke ^^
I'm so sorry for taking so long~♥
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