Rizzoli & Isles -Please Jane

Jul 03, 2011 16:12

I do not own the characters and I’m not making a profit.

Rated M for naked spice…with some comedy thrown in too.

Please Jane

Jane sat at her desk working on her computer and blocking out the antics of Frost and Korsak as they discussed the latest kitten with a ball of yarn video on you-tube.  The current Red Sox statistics flew before her eyes as she scrolled down the screen using the quick ball on her mouse.

“Fuck they have that strike out bitch up to bat next game.  Dumb ass idiots,” she muttered.

“Jane, language.” Click-clack, click-clack.  “I heard your cursing in the hallway.”

Jane glanced up. “Sorry Maura.  I was…um looking at baseball stuff.” She glanced at her best friend sheepishly, slightly embarrassed to be caught saying fuck again.  “Did you need something Maur, or are the dead bodies not talking back,” she said and guffawed.

Maura glared down at Jane with a smile tilting her plump mouth upwards. “Funny Jane.  Actually dead bodies don’t talk to me.  Only you…”

“Shhh. You’re not suppose to tell anyone,” Jane laughed and looked at Frost and Korsak.  They both looked back at her with expressions of mild shock and humor.

“Ehh, just give her a non-fat latte and she’ll tell ya whateva you want to know,” Frost said with his back still to the two women.

“Fff..go Frick yourself Frostbite,” Jane muttered. “So Maur, is there a reason you stopped by and caused havoc within my peaceful environment?”

Maura fidgeted and looked at Korsak briefly then gazed down at Jane. “Actually, are you busy this Saturday afternoon?”

“Nope.  Sox don’t play until next week, and my date schedule is cleared.  So, I’m all yours.  Did ya need to go shopping for new shoes and need my…large muscles to carry your bags for you Milady?”

“No shopping Jane, but I do need those sinewy biceps and triceps of yours.  And your tense lattisimus Dorsi.” Maura smiled fondly down at Jane.

Jane gazed at Maura and scratched her chin. “So… you need my legs?” She gazed down at her thin, stretched out legs and said, “okay, all yours for whatever.”

“Perfect.  Be at my house at one tomorrow, and wear some of your old clothes.” She twirled on her three-inch heels and marched out of the squad room to head back down to her morgue.  As she stood by the elevator, she turned and saw Jane staring at her with her mouth parted and her eyes wide.  “Don’t forget one tomorrow and old clothes.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Jane mumbled and dropped her head into her hands in defeat.

Korsak turned to face her and said, “Rizzoli, you just need to grow a pair.  She’s got ya so wrapped round her little designer fingernail, you’d march off into the street and get clobbered by a bus if she told ya too.”

“You don’t know a damn thing Korsak.  Go chase your pussies on you-tube and leave me alone already,” Jane huffed and turned her back on the other two, ignoring their sympathetic expressions.

Frost leaned in and whispered to Korsak, “she is so whipped by the Doc’s Minolo Blancs and she doesn’t even realize it.”

“I can fucking hear you Frosty the snowblower.”

“You’d think she’d be excited to spend tomorrow with the Doc in her ratty clothes.  I’ve seen that jersey and wooohoo,” Frost whispered, keeping his eyes on Jane’s back the whole time.

“I’ll go get her some donuts.  If she’s chewing, then she ain’t talking,” Korsak muttered as he stood up, closed down his computer and marched out of the squad room.

“Hey wait up.  I’m coming too.” Frost leapt out of his chair and ran out of the squad, leaving Jane alone for the moment.

Jane leaned back in her chair and stared at the water spotted tiles. “What the fuck did I agree to.  I am so wrapped around her finger.  So pathetic.” She went back to looking at her computer but not really seeing it, her mind focused on her preplanned Saturday afternoon.  “Probably make me unclog her sink or something equally icky,” she mumbled as the clock ticked away the minutes.

Frost and Korsak returned with donuts but Jane didn’t eat one.  The sight of the sugary bread not appetizing for her.

“Aww, she’s nervous.” Korsak needled and laughed when Jane blushed in response.

“Yep nervous.  It’s kinda cute in a way,” Frost said, then took a bite and chewed, his mouth full of donut.  “Yoom, mawwr frrr me.”

“Tease me again fatso and I’ll tell that Silvia up in Narcotics you want to take her out on a date.” Jane threatened, not looking at the two chewing detectives.  Silvia was the stage name for Stan, the Narc detective who performed at the local gay club on Friday nights.

“Oh, sore spot.” Korsak went back to laughing at the rolling kittens on his computer while Frost ate the rest of the donuts and filled out his DD5 forms.  Jane ignored them and worked on her computer for the rest of the day.  No calls came in and all the detectives were able to leave on schedule.

Jane entered her apartment tired and thirsty for a beer.  She stripped out of her work clothes, popped open a beer and went to her bedroom to drink and spread out on her bed, enjoying her limited quiet time.  After finishing her beer, she rolled onto her stomach, sighed, and fell asleep.

She stood in Maura’s house, naked with a tool belt fastened around her waist.

“Maura, what do you want me to do?”

“I want you to screw my water pipe tighter Jane,” Maura husked and grabbed the belt, tugging her into the kitchen.

“I’m not the plumber Maur.  Let me call pops.” Jane muttered, confused as to why she stood in Maura’s kitchen in only a tool belt. “Where are my clothes?”

“You took them off.  You said you didn’t want to get them wet if the pipe broke.”

“OH okay.” She walked to the sink, opened the cabinets and knelt down to peer inside.  “Maur you got a flashlight?” Reaching back, she held her hand out.  A round object was gently placed in her hand and she pulled, preparing to flick the switch.  She squeezed and the object squashed under her fingers.  “What..the?” she yelled and jumped out of the cabinet.  She gazed at her hand.  The tip of a dildo rested inside her fist.

Maura gazed down at Jane. “Illuminate me Jane,” she whispered huskily, not breaking eye contact with the wide brown eyes.


The ringing of Maura’s phone distracted the two women and Jane took the opportunity to get to her feet with the help of the marble countertop and leaned against it heavily.  She shook her head and stared at Maura.  “The phone Maur. You should answer that.”

“I’m helping you Jane.  I can’t leave your side.  You need my help to use your special flashlight.”

“Leave my side? Where would you be going Maura, your phone is right on the table there,” she pointed to it.

The phone continued to ring and Jane muttered, “answer it.”

She turned and snorted.  Brown eyes popped open and stared at the dimly lit bedroom in confusion.  Jo sat beside her and poked Jane’s leg with her nose.  Jane moved her arm up the bed to rub her eyes.  An object fell out of her hand.  She stared in disbelief as her half chewed dildo rolled across the bedspread and fell off the bed, landing with a thump onto the wood floor.

“JO…” She grabbed the dildo off the floor and stared at the tiny tooth marks imprinted into the silicone. “Okay, I get it.  I ignore you for a few hours and you chew up my toys instead of your own.  I got it.” She looked down into small brown eyes, pleading for her attention. Jo whimpered in apology and stared at the flopping toy as Jane shook it at her.

“Bad girl…now you’ve stopped me from being a bad girl.”  Jane glanced at the clock and noticed the time.  “Fuck, I have to pee.” She looked down at Jo and said, “I bet you have to pee too.” Jo whimpered in response and wagged her tail. “Well come on Jaws.”

Jane hopped off the bed, ran to relieve herself, threw on her ratty clothes and took Jo out to pee.   She jogged around the block and stretched her muscles in preperation for whatever Maura had planned for later.  Her dream floated into her mind as she jogged and she blushed at the thought of her naked with Maura, wearing only a tool belt.  Back at her apartment, she grabbed her stuff for Maura’s and after a quick glance into her closet, grabbed her leather tool belt just in case.

She arrived at Maura’s in record time and rang the bell, glancing around at the ritzy neighborhood while she waited for her friend to open the door.  Maura jerked open the door and stared at Jane, dressed in cutoff denim shorts and her old sleeveless baseball jersey.  Jane held out her arms and twirled in a circle. “I am here as requested your highness.  Do I meet with your dress code approval?”

Maura cleared her throat soflty. “Yes, I believe you do.  Come in and come to the kitchen.” She turned and walked down the hall, missing the widening of Jane’s eyes.

“Maura I can’t fix your sink.” Jane stuttered as she shut Maura’s door and dropped her supplies to the floor with a clunk.

“Fabulous, but I have another task for your strong arms.” Jane walked into the kitchen and found Maura standing by the counter, staring and smiling at her.  “I need you to mow my lawn.”

Jane gasped and stared down at Maura’s crotch, frowning. “You…you’re lawn?”

“Did I drop something on my shirt Jane?” Maura walked up to Jane as she stared. “Yes, mow my lawn.  My gardener called in sick for this weekend and I need the lawn mowed.  Do you mind?”

“What kind of question is that? Are you serious?” Maura gazed at her in silence.  Jane huffed and asked, “where is the mower.” With a frown she walked to the back door and glanced at the already nicely clipped lawn by Jane Rizzoli standards.

“In the shed,” said Maura softly.  “I’ll just be in here until you’re finished.”

“Fine. I’ll be back in a little while.” Jane stomped out the back door of the house and headed for the tool shed, not seeing the eyes watching her walking in her ripped shorts. “Korsak is right.  I am so wrapped around her finger.  One bat of those green eyes, and I’m a lost.”

Jane got out the mower, flipped it on after figuring out the on/off button and started mowing Maura’s immaculate lawn.  After almost an hour, Jane had the lawn mowed and she was covered in sweat and bits of grass.  Maura walked out with a bottle of water and gave it to Jane as she pushed the mower back into the shed.

“Damn, it’s hot out here.” Jane gazed down into smiling green eyes.  “What are you smiling about? I just got wet and dirty for you.”

“I know.  Shake off your grass clippings and come inside.  But take your shoes off first.”

“Yes…I got it.”  Jane took off her shoes and followed Maura into the house, sweat dripping down her face and her neck to soak her grass stained white jersey.  Jane caught a whiff of her scent as she walked. “Hey Maur, I stink.  Can I shower here or do you want me to go home first then come back?”

Maura walked up to Jane and winked at her. “I don’t want you to shower at all.” She leaned into her friend with a predatory gleam in her eye.  “I like the way you smell right now.”

“I smell like a gross guy after football practice or something.  Come on Maur, its just a shower.” Jane whined and closed her eyes to keep the rolling sweat out.

A hand grabbed her jersey and tugged.  She opened her eyes in time to see Maura’s face inches away.   Maura buried her nose into Jane’s wet neck and inhaled deeply.  Jane looked down with widened eyes.  “Oh fuck,” she yelled as sweat hit her eye.  She reached up to wipe it away but was stopped by Maura’s hand.

“No, I like you dripping wet,” Maura kissed Jane’s sweaty neck, licking the drops away with a few swipes of her tongue and humming into the flushed skin. Jane inhaled and held the breath.

“Oh, what are you doing?”

“What I’ve been wanting to do for a long time.  Come on.” Maura grabbed Jane’s hand and tugged her down to the master bathroom.  Jane followed meekly and rapidly blinked her eyes to keep the sweat out.  Maura marched into the bathroom, yanked Jane inside, and slammed the door shut with a bang.

“Strip Jane,” Maura commanded, leaning over to start the water on the double headed shower.  Jane stared at her in confusion.  Then in a burst of energy, shed her wet clothes quickly, leaving her in her underwear.  Maura adjusted the water to the right cool temperature for Jane’s flushed skin, shook the water off her hand and walked over to Jane, looking at her with glazed eyes.

She walked to stand half a foot away from Jane and whispered, “I meant take off everything.  You can’t shower in your underwear.” Maura reached out, hooked her thumbs in Jane’s cotton briefs and pulled them down her thighs, unveiling the dark patch at the juncture of her hips.  She licked her lips at the sight and the smell.  Jane watched Maura’s reaction with stunned eyes.

“Take off your bra Jane.  You don’t want to get it wet do you?” Maura laughed when Jane gasped in a breath.

“I’m soaked already Maur.  I don’t think it matters at this point.”

“Hmm, get in the shower and I’ll just be a minute.”

Jane gasped again. “What do you mean?”

“Well, you helped me so now I’m going to help you.  Isn’t that how these things work.”


“Get in Jane before the water gets cold.” Maura rolled her eyes and started to pull down her slacks and underwear while Jane watched her in a cloud of arousal and disbelief. Maura pointed to the stall and said, “go.”

“Okay, okay.  Damn you’re bossy.”

“I’m about to get a whole lot bossier madam.” Maura muttered as she unhooked her bra.

Jane stepped under the shower stall and moaned as the cool water flowed into her sweaty hair and rinsed away the grime she attracted while mowing.  She closed her eyes and didn’t realize when Maura stepped into the stall with her.  A soft cloth rubbed her arms and shoulders lightly.  She opened her eyes at the touch and gazed into darkened green only inches from her own.

“Turn around Jane… so I may scrub your back for you.  I want to make sure you are as clean as possible.”

Jane nodded and turned, tilting her face away from the shower spray and let Maura rub the soapy cloth all along her back. When Maura reached her butt, she gasped at the feel of the soft cloth rubbing circles on her skin.  “Feels good Maur.  You have such a delicate touch.  I’d hardly know it was your hands because normally you’re hitting me full force.”  A wash cloth snap across her butt was the response she received.

“Ow, like that.”

“Shut up Jane.”

“Aye, Captain kink.” Another smack.  Jane submerged her head under the spray and moaned softly. Another smack.  She moaned again.

“Like that Jane?” Maura smacked the slightly reddened cheeks again but harder this time, eliciting another moan from Jane.  Jane braced one arm against the shower stall wall and let Maura spank her with the wash cloth, enjoying the rough pain rippling through her sensitive butt cheeks with each smack of terrycloth.

“Mmmhmm.  Ow…Yes, but your not scrubbing me very well like that.  You…should get my front too.”

“Turn around then and I will.”

Jane turned and used the other arm to keep her support against the shower wall.  Maura reached up and captured her wet lips in a soft kiss then smacked the washcloth against Jane’s hard stomach.  Jane cringed but whimpered her pleasure.   Maura trailed the soapy cloth along Jane’s front, scrubbing and teasing in circles, watching as Jane’s nipples puckered and her hips tilted forward.

“Where else do you need scrubbed?” Maura leaned up and whispered into a wet, reddened ear.

“Hmm…” Jane grabbed the hand with the washcloth, pried the cloth loose and let it fall to the shower floor.  She took the fingers and guided them to her hot folds between her thighs.  She opened her eyes and gazed at Maura, watching as lust danced in those green depths.  “Scrub me here,” she whispered and pushed the slick fingers to her mound, cupping the strong hand against her and pushed upwards, causing Maura’s palm to bump her swollen bundle hard.

Jane let the deep moan loose and it echoed off the shower walls.  “I need you here.”

“Anything Jane.  I’d do anything for you.” Maura pushed her hand through the slick heat and rubbed in circles, watching as Jane flinched and rocked against her hand.  With her free hand she cupped the  full breast and thumbed the puckered nipple using the same circular rhythm of her palm.  Soon Jane’s hips shook and she screamed, her pleasure overriding her senses and she collapsed to her knees with a yelp of pain.

“Jane are you okay?”

“Me good,” Jane mumbled, and let Maura pull her back to her feet.

“That’s going to leave a contusion,” Maura pointed to Jane’s reddened knees.

“Contuse what?” Jane asked, not sure what was Maura was talking about.  She looked down and noticed her slowly bruising knees and shrugged.  “All’s fair in love and lawn mowing.”

Maura ignored Jane and wrapped her arm around her tightly.   She helped her out of the shower, then turned back and flicked off the water.  Jane leaned heavily against her and floated with the aftershocks of Maura’s touch.

Maura wrapped a towel around Jane, led her over to the toilet seat, sat her down, and dried her off.  “Do you feel cleaner now?”

“Oh definitely.  I’m so glad you made me mow your lawn.  Got so sweaty…yuk.”

“Well… you smell delicious.” Maura gazed into smiling brown eyes and laughed and Jane’s rambling speech.

“Hmm. Yeah, sweat is sexy.”

“It is on you.  Why do you think I wanted you to mow the lawn.  I knew you’d get sweaty, then I’d smell you, get turned on by your scent and then sneak attack you in the shower.  It was all part of my master plan to seduce you.”

“Flowers and chocolate would have worked too.  But I’m not complaining.  Hey, I don’t have any clean clothes.” Jane stood up, glanced down her long length, realizing she only had a towel to wear.

“I know…guess you’ll have to stay here then…naked,” Maura said with a smirk.

“Damn, you had this all planned out.  Sneaky Doctor Isles…very sneaky.”

“Come on.  Grab your tool belt…I have this pipe I need you to screw tight under the kitchen sink.  I have this fantasy where you‘re naked and only wearing a tool belt,” Maura wrapped up in her robe and walked out of the bathroom, leaving Jane standing there in her towel with her mouth open.

“You won’t hand me a dildo as a flashlight do you?” Jane gasped out.

“How did you know that?” came the laughing reply.

“Oh great,” Jane muttered, and left the bathroom to accept her fate.  “I guess sometimes, dreams really do come true.”

rizzoli & isles

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