[anime] Chihayafuru S2, Episode 23

Jun 18, 2013 17:32

How appropriate to have caught up to and watched the latest episode today, reminiscent of the first season's Taichi Tuesdays, seeing as how very Taichi-centric this episode was.

What a crazy roller coaster of emotions over one episode and one character. That pretty much sums up what makes Chihayafuru one of the best anime out there.

The horror I felt when I realized Taichi will yet again be relegated to second fiddle as his most important match is passed over by Chihaya in favor of watching Arata and Shinobu play.

His resignation and lack of motivation, which others perceive as being calm, as he realizes his lot in life. How my heart went out to him.

His disbelief when Chihaya actually shows up for his match.

The unbelievable joy I felt for him at the thought that he is just as important if not more so to Chihaya, enough at least to pass up the opportunity to watch Arata and Shinobu's match (it's not the same but she can always play it back on video).

The trepidation as I realize Chihaya's presence may do more harm than good. How frustrating it was to see him go back to his old negativity and martyrdom as he decides to end the game as soon as possible for Chihaya's sake.

The relief when he finally snaps out of it, stops overthinking, and plays the karuta he does best, in his own way and by his own merit. With the added bonus that he wins so with the Chihayafuru card.

How much I wanted to smack him when instead of celebrating his win, still at the forefront of his mind is getting Chihaya to the other room so she can watch what's left of Arata and Shinobu's match.

The elation and the tears of joy when it sinks in that he finally, FINALLY after all this time becomes Class A!

How very much I love and hate him at the same time for being who he is even as I want him to place importance in himself more.

How much do I love thee, I have lost count of the ways.

This entry was originally posted @ dw

winter 2013, anime

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