May 15, 2007 01:48
So much has happened since my last post.
- I went to APICS which was the Atlantic Undergrad conference for Psychology. I gave an oral presentation on my research and it went very well. Good times were had by all who went with me and it was a load of fun. The first night we were the only ones there so we played lots of drinking games in the halls of the residence and everyone drank a lot. It was hilarious.
- Looks like I won't be going back to work with ELSS. Turns out that the taxation centre wants me back for June and July. This will mean about 50% more bling bling for me working the exact same number of hours. Since I don't benefit as much from having the apartment this year since I'm renting in the condo anyway, I think it was a good decision.
- Went out to Cville to see my brother for his 19th birthday and my mom for Mother's day. Turns out that my brother didn't like the liquor that I bought him so I took it back to the condo with me. I didn't have time to get my mom a good gift (I got her some Sambuca from the liquor store, which she does love) so I took her out to supper and woke up @ 7:45am on Mother's day to make her breakfast - which I guess is a good gift after all. This was also after I had stayed out til 4 with Michael celebrating his bday.
- I'm letting my credit cards get out of hand. Well not really...the balances are always 0 at the end of the month but I'm applying for my third credit card now when only 6 months ago I didn't own one. I have 2 now and I love them. I figure since I'm late in this whole establishing credit game, I have catching up work to do.
_ Last but certainly not least, I almost have my arm completely gnawed off while awaiting a reply from med school.