Sep 24, 2006 21:50
9am-5:30 pm i was at school for the rehearse a thon for guard & band. we got the first 20 pages of drill done and will probably be doen with the whole show in time for the game at oviedo on thursday. we was in da hot sun for so many hours. We did pretty good though. The only issue I have is that at one point I have to travel acros four yard lines to be the point of the guard diamond, but i have to travel the farthest and i am a skow marcher so i have to jazz run at top speed. the other issue is when guard has to run through the band when they're in lines well um march. appareabtly i was jazz running when i was suposoed to march making eveveryone in guard have to sprint to kp up with me so i have to slow down. the bad is a mess at that part. THGEY CAN'T MAKE LINES. it os bot that hard but they make a zigzag. its annoying because then i dn;t know which lone to go through when they are al over liek that. they are gonna get knocked out because we leaned work for that part and if they don't make neat lines some band members are goa die. band left at 4 pm but guard went ntil 7:30 pm. thats when the reatded ness bgan.
my dad picked me up at 5:30 so i could get home and get ready to go to becky's , and thne later they would pick me up and drop me off at the guard sleepover. well my parets were defiitely pms-ng that night. my mother said that they were going to a wake keeping and they could drop me off at the party but i had no way home, and they wouldn't be back until late. i' not alowwed to stay hhome late at night when no one esle (even my lil bro) in't home. so i took a shower, was driven back to school where i got a ride with leena and jasmien (guad captains) to the sleepover at leena's house.
the sleepover was pretty good, but it would've been better if we all wern'y so tired. it was a LONG DAY. we still had fun but when i went to bed ava took all the covers! me,ava,allie, and cary shared leena's rokm allie n cary shared the bed and me n ava slept o sleeping bags that were layered on top f echtoher for more cushion. i went to be dfirst and made room so ava could get some too. whe i woke up this morningi was feezing and i looked to see why and ava had roled hersl fp in the sleepig bag that wee were sing a a blanket. i kicked her and she didn't budge so i just frose fr awhile. i left in the afternoon and its been blah since then.