May 26, 2006 23:24
I know it was awhile ago but ill write abut it now.
that day was so ething else. I wasn't expectong to cry alot, at leats not til 6th period. 1st and 2nd pd. we wre doing awards so i was having fun and it didn;'t feel like it was over. 3rd period after i got my snack and took a few pics i wnet back to gifted and liek all the girls and mr. matta we wree conversing on this school year and agreed we pretty much hate every administrator except mr.azzarito. then 4th pd. thats what got to me. I LOVE THAT CLASS. it was okay at the beginnign of the year but once me andirle and ana were pout togtehr in a table it beceame AMAZING. omg it was so fun. and jessica,anne, and sammie behined, and katrina in fron of us. it was great. on the last day we wre etaking the craziest pics the whole period until ana started crying. the i strated crying and we was a mess. Thats waht stared me then 5ht pd. i went to p.e. and i was still cying and everypne was all "its okay blah blahb lah". i know they meat well but i just wanted to cry. then me n elena n kanishak ran an errand for deeb amd snuck around school lol. 6th period i wnet to gotham's for a sec, then i decided i wnated to say bye to my spanish pepplez frist. then on ym way stopped at mr.matta's and broke down wheni saw him at the door. every day for the past threee years he has always stood by that door saying hi and hello to us as we wakked in , and it killed me to know that wouldn't happen anymore. i broke down before i even stepped in the doors. madelaine was bawlin. then i went to spanish and too some pics and said good ye. then i went back to gotham,'s and we had fun. then me,franky,anne, and elena decided to go to spanish becaise someone who i won't name wanted to see madelaine. but i remeberdd she was in mattas. so we wnet there and stayed there for a longgg time. anne was frickkin on crack and i got hyper and we all talked to mr.matta and it was fun. no tears. then i said good bye for the final time and it stung. it hurt. we got back to gotham's but i was still on a high. it wasn't til the nnouncements came on that i started crying again and it was hard. omg. i cired and hugged and cired and hugged all the way to my bus. and then on the bus it seemed liek i was the only one crying and every one was liemits okay blah blah blah. i guess its weird cuz i don't liek to cry infront of people. so no one had seen my cry until then. i cried the whole way home, hugged a few people, and cried some more. As soon as i stepped offf the bus i wiped my tears and i haven't cried or felt any sorrow or remorse since then. I cired myself out. I'm over it.