Jul 25, 2004 14:06
I got paid this weekend & my entire check is already gone. Not because I went shopping but just to try and make ends meet. Food, hotel, you know all that fun stuff. I hope that the next check I get can actually be mines. The whole thing with the house is so far so good. I've just been sitting in the hotel room most days, sleeping. Or if not sleeping, working. I hope to hear good news tommorrow. The job at target isn't exactly mines just yet. I plan to call the girl who hooked us up tommorrow, or maybe today I don't know I'll see... Tonight Chik-fil-a is having a going away party for one of the managers there. I want to go, but I have NO money for food, I have NOTHING to wear basically. So I have to stay home, she wanted me to come, but ah well I guess I can't... I dont have anything else to say, but I'm sitting next to someone with LiL Wayne Potatoe Chips...okay?