(no subject)

Mar 07, 2005 21:05

lake tahoe was fun i wish i would've stayed home, i would've had a better time but w/e anyway

so it all started when lily's dad picked me up, i thought we were gonna leave at like 7 so i got up at like 6 FOR NO FUCKING REASON so i call lily at like 6:45 and we're leaving at 9. i was so mad i could've slept so much more but w/e. i missed two days of schools which was better then not going to tahoe. then we got to get apartment and her dad kept bothering her to wash her feet sooo funny.

the ride was 9 fucking hours i slept most of the way. it was better this time cause lily didnt fart the whole way there like last time. anyway i fell asleep and the dream seemed really real cause i was dreaming about the car ride to tahoe and lily was talking about some cop behind us and shes like "OMG KATIE'S WITH HIM!!!1 KATIE!!!" and im like who the fuck is katie? and there was this big car chase the cops were having so, then all of a sudden i woke and i said "OMG WHATS HAPPENING??" and lily was in this deep sleep with her mouth hanging open and her parents were quietly driving god i felt so stupid.

ok so finally when we get there we meet up with lily's evil aunt barbra shes like the spawn of satan and she wouldnt shut up about her this soup she fixed it was soo gross. me and lily were the only ones who didnt finish it. but thank god they had cable we watched family guy, futurama and viva la bam. the next day i snowboarded for the first time in 2 years god me and lily were soo bad, well not as bad as some ppl but we barely fell thank god.

so after snowboarding all day and going on the same runs we got really bored and sat at the eating hall for like an hour. lily didnt want to snowboard down to the car at 4 (the last run) she wanted to go down the gondola and i was like u retard lets just go. then all of a sudden i hear someone calling my name and at first i was like who the fuck is that? then he took off his hat and goggles and im like "o shit nick hey" it was like out of nowhere. so i rode down with him for the last run well it was more like he went down and i slowly did and he met up with me again.

so later we met up with lily's cousin ryan, hes tight everyone calls him "ryan the little shit" (behind his back) haha. all the adults hated him. the only cool adult was mike, ryan's dad he took us to starbucks (thank god) barabra's food sucks and she thinks shes a great food ewww
any way thats all i hav to say

under pressure play count:70 times
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