I swear I need a clone of myself.

Feb 08, 2009 15:35

Right now I'm avoiding typing in a ton of data entry: Our elementary school's PTO is doing a fundraiser entitled "Share the Love". Students (or teachers or parents) could buy candygrams for $0.50 each. All the profits are going to charity, and the students get to vote on which charity will receive them. (Sorry Eric, you'd have to be 501(c)(3) certified. :) )

This is after a weekend of camping with the Boy Scouts. We camp every year at some property the Houston Astronomical Society has out in west Columbus. We do a service project for them, cook a big meal on Saturday night and then get to look through the telescops they have. With the reasonably full moon we had on Saturday, the stars were a little harder to see, but they did point their biggest bad boy at the moon. It was so awesome to see the craters, peaks and scars, especially along the visible edges of the moon.

I also have a ton of homework to do, including writing a draft lesson on Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures.

I had to send Cynical-Prophet to Girl Scouts to run the meeting without me. There's so much to do, and I'm so exhausted!

I did finish my archery instructor training (though I still have to run a range under supervision the first time, it's a requirement), so I'm able to supervise the ranges and teach proper form to children and adults. (I spent the entirety of my training shooting righthanded, even though I should have been shooting lefthanded because that's my dominant eye.) Even still, I was able to get two bull's eyes at 38 feet.

I also have to bite the bullet and go see my doctor this week. It's been 6 weeks since my elbow started hurting (I thought I'd just pulled a ligament or something), but it hasn't gotten better. I still can't straighten my arm fully without pain, and it hurts to twist my elbow (like when you have your arm outstretched, palm up, and you rotate your arm so that your palm faces down.) I also can't lift much weight with it. It probably still is a pulled ligament or tendon that just isn't getting better because, let's face it, you need your right hand to do a lot of things (especially when you're right-handed!)

Imainge how much easier all this would be if I had a clone to do half of the stuff!


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