chem final, this weekend & the weather

Dec 10, 2008 22:11

I'm trying to think of something positive to say.

Ah, here we go. I'm positive that I am glad Organic chemistry is done.

I don't know how I did on my final--just that there was a significant part (25%) I wasn't sure about.  I can find out on Monday.  I'm not sure I want to.

Then again there is one good thing that happened today!  One of my really, really good friends picked me up and sat patiently while I drank a giant amount of alcohol, in hopes of placating all the brain cells that have had to suffer through chemistry this semester. I definitely owe her designated driver duty when she's not beholden to a baby.   (Sushi & sake. That's my offer!)  :D

Back on the chemistry front:  even if I go back to work, it's looking like I'm going to have to try to find a way to take Organic II, because otherwise, I'll wind up having to retake this class again to try to re-learn things that I'm not so sure I got in the first place.

Tomorrow I have to do a presentation for my final for my education class. Then it's purchase stuff for the Boy Scout court of honor, get ready for the Girl Scout rededication on Saturday, birthday party for my favorite two-year-old not directly related to me on Sunday, and somewhere in that 72 hours find time to study for my physics final.

About the weather: tonight it snowed. It was really cool for Lucy to experience snow for the first time, but the rest of us had snow when we were in Chicago, so not so much cool for us. (Cold on the other hand--it was bitter cold with wind that reminded me of Chicago.) All the kids in the neighborhood were out playing in it. Most of them were not able to make snowballs because they've never really seen snow (even though the big thing here in Texas is to truck in copious amounts of ice and an ice shaver to make snow. Nothing like wasting water!)   The snow has pretty much stopped now without really any accumulation, but I'll admit to a hope that it would continue or pick up again at 5am so that everything is closed tomorrow. I just need a day to recuperate.

chemistry, school

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