Pass my Japanese Intermediate Exam with 67%

Nov 02, 2006 22:44

Hey people... just want to rejoice about my Japanese Exam that i took two months ago XDDDDDDDDDDD... I PASSEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD YAYYYYYYYYYY... i feel happy for once cause Mrs. McGonigal my English teacher praised me for my miniscule amount of effort to study before this exam XDDDDDDDDD hahaha... i got in, in the mid high 60s YAYYYYYYYY... at least above 50% hahaha...

And i sent off another message on fanboard ^_________________^ this time for Jun Su oppa... tomorrow will be for Yun Ho oppa, Saturday is for YooChun oppa, and lastly Sunday for Chang Min oppa ^^... i will be writing messages everyday for them forever until my fandom die( i don't know when that's gonna be, but hopefully not soon) but even though my fandom die, i'll support them no matter what... even if it means i have to be behind curtains to do so or in secret i don't really mind... i just don't want them to end up like H.O.T.

dbsk, stuff

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