Nov 04, 2004 20:48
What is heaven? Heaven is drinking some hot apple tea as I gaze out of the window taking in the gorgeous autumn leaves--all aflame in crimson and gold. I love Japan in the fall. Especially the autumn-tinted maple trees. That's all I need to take me on a whim of nostalgia or euphoria. It's even better when there's some nice, mellow jazz playing in the background...Stardust by Wynton Marsalis or You Go To My Head by Clifford Brown(my all-time favorite).
It's during moments like this when I think to myself:
How quickly this year has gone by. I can't believe that I'll only be a student for two more months and that I'll soon be entering *gasp* the Real World instead of entering grad school like I originally planned(no tengo dinero!).
How wise and mature my friends seem after these past four years. They were cool to begin with, but like the finest wine, they seem to get better with time. You guys are my inspiration! I feel so lucky and am humbled.
How great it would be to curl up on my chocolate-brown couch and read a good novel instead of a textbook for once. I don't remember the last time I read anything for leisure.
How sweet life is and that it's the little things that add color to our lives. The Canvas of Life would be bleak and incomplete without them.(In a Homer Simpson-esque drawl) tea...
--End of my sappy ranting--