i still exist, i swear

Apr 07, 2009 23:18

More changes.  more changes.  will explain soon.   (not enough sleep lately)

Meanwhile, I'm working on an art project and i need help from programmer friends (and others interested in data viz).

Question:  What elements of a coding (learning) project would be interesting to visualize over the course of say a month?   Anywhere from the profound to the banal.  Here are some ideas i've had (and others have suggested) thus far.

A graph could plot "lines of code written per hour" or "number and type of crashes" and even poke fun at the procrastination process by comparing those numbers with “number of times Facebook is checked.”   The data visualization framework will be built in such a way that new variables can be added and tracked over the course of the month, as new trackable behavior emerges in context.  A word/tag cloud would be an obvious possibility.

The words of the code itself could be incorporated into a visualization, maybe even pulling in content from the internet that relates to the code or vocabulary being used.

you could have a whole bunch of procedural effects
based on a whole bunch of different things
like, completed functions, # of lines code, classes, bla bla bla
its kind of a gold mine
like, the stuff gets more hectic the more lines of code are written
it could even do stuff based on what characters are typed

So now tell me yours.  feel free to get crazy.  also if you have ideas about what form the visualization would take.   I want the vizs to be meaningful/grokkable as much as possible, not just looking like sparkly scribbles.

interactive art, programming, dataviz

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