Of the cards in your trade piles I'm interested in Acorn 02/10, Antagonists 07/09/13, Gaviners 03/19/20, SMS 04, Suitor 10/18, & Swears 04/11/18. Which 19 cards of your list do you want in exchange? Also, do you want me to put (any of) the rest on hold for you?
If you wouldn't mind holding the others except typhoon10 (so exsphere08, exsphere18, griever16, griever17, illegal15, justice03, justice20, madamada18, neko15, neko20, orphan11, pizza05, pizza06, prey18, prince02, prince03, seer10, seer12, snow12, strahl10, summon11, toad07, toad18, typhoon08, varia02, varia13 total), I'll keep hunting for more cards for you to trade for them.
for curse01, curse02, curse04, curse06, curse10, curse12, curse18, dexter11, dexter16, dexter28, dexter52, dexter60, dexter62, distant02, distant09, distant12, distant16, guitar13, king03, king04, loveless20, mind03, mind13, morph01, morph02, morph06, morph18, morph20, night02, night13, phantom09, protect03, protect12, protect15?
I'm also interested in armor07, armor11, armor20, biceps18, colonel03, colonel05, colonel12, colonel16, colonel20, exsphere08, exsphere18, griever16, griever17, hin15, ice12, ice13, illegal15, justice03, justice20, madamada18, neko15, neko20, orphan11, phobia20, pizza05, pizza06, prey18, prince02, prince03, sacrifice01, seer10, seer12, serial04, serial11, smokes03, smokes07, smokes11, smokes17, snow11, snow12, star04, strahl10, summon11, tiger02, tiger04, tiger20, toad07, toad18, typhoon08, typhoon10, varia02, varia13, well17, wishes14, wishes15, wishes18 if you see anything else from my entry you'd like for them? ^^;;
Curse 01/02/04/06/10/12/18, Dexter 11/16/28/52/60/62, Distant 02/09/12/16, Guitar 13. King 03/04, Loveless 20, Mind 03/13, Morph 01/02/06/18/20, Night 02/13, Phantom 09, & Protect 03/12/15 for Berserk 11, Boar 07, Bureau 07, CLAMP 12/15, Cross 05, Delivery 07, Dymlos 08, Hat 09/15, Hyperion 08/19, Jusenkyo 16, Martel 07/10, Panic 01/16, Reaper 18, Reports 63/79, Rocket 03, Sage 19, Seiken 01/08/13, Spell 18, Talk 06, Taser 03, Watchdog 11/19, & Zanpakutou 12
I will take a look at your trade piles and comment back later on today about the other cards.
In the meantime, I did find
if you'd like them for biceps18, sacrifice01, serial04, serial11, smokes03, smokes07, star04, tiger02, tiger04, tiger20?
Biceps 18, Sacrifice 01, Seial 04/11, Smokes 03/07, Star 04, & Tiger 02/04/20 for Cross 15, Forest 14, Jusenkyo 01, Reis 09, Reports 81, Seiken 12/15/19, Wood 12, & Xing 12
Of the cards in your trade piles I'm interested in Acorn 02/10, Antagonists 07/09/13, Gaviners 03/19/20, SMS 04, Suitor 10/18, & Swears 04/11/18. Which 19 cards of your list do you want in exchange? Also, do you want me to put (any of) the rest on hold for you?
for armor07, armor11, armor20, colonel03, colonel05, colonel12, colonel16, colonel20, hin15, ice12, ice13, phobia20, smokes11, smokes17, snow11, well17, wishes14, wishes15, wishes18?
If you wouldn't mind holding the others except typhoon10 (so exsphere08, exsphere18, griever16, griever17, illegal15, justice03, justice20, madamada18, neko15, neko20, orphan11, pizza05, pizza06, prey18, prince02, prince03, seer10, seer12, snow12, strahl10, summon11, toad07, toad18, typhoon08, varia02, varia13 total), I'll keep hunting for more cards for you to trade for them.
Armor 07/11/20, Colonel 03/05/12/16/20, Hin 15, Ice 12/13, Phobia 20, Smokes 11/17, Snow 11, Well 17, & Wishes 14/15/18 for Acorn 02/10, Antagonists 07/09/13, Gaviners 03/19/20, SMS 04, Suitor 10/18, & Swears 04/11/18
The other cards are now on hold.
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