so this is the new year

Jan 02, 2006 01:55

I just read all of my LJ entries from 2005. It is encouraging to see that I am such a different person now. Change is beautiful, pain is involved, renewal is life.

I'm going to try to start blogging more. Mostly encouraged by someone else to do so. I'm thinking about so many things and I want to get them out. Alot of them are going to be from a Christian perspective, but please know that I am not trying to preach to you, this is just who i am, and what goes on inside my head.

One of the things I've been thinking about the most, is this idea we have that in order to protect ourselves from hurt, we must put people at a distance. We must not love with everything we have, but we must do whatever necessary to not let people in. What if that was wrong? What if loving with our whole hearts, loving deeply, truly caring about the people around us, what if that was our safeguard, what if that was our protection from hurt and our comfort? What if we ourselves were the ones causing all the hurt in our hearts. We all know the joy we find in others. We know how good it feels to love. It is the desire of the human heart, to love and be loved. But what about rejection? Thats what our mind says. What about embarrassment? Thats what our pride says. I say what about truly loving, expecting nothing in return. I believe this. I believe IN this. And I believe that as we pour ourselves--our hearts--out into other people, we will much sooner see who WE are. A clear picture of ourselves. I am what I can give to you. I am the love that exudes from my being to yours. And we are the love that comes from ourselves to each other, intertwining to form an energy and a sustenance so great that hurt doesn't matter. Because when we love selflessly, with all that we are, we are not hurt by rejection because our goal is not happiness, but the happiness of others.

Love with all that you are. Love deeper. Love with more than you are and more than you can be. That's the way you'll grow.

This is how we are called to love by God. Unfortunately most don't do this. But when we love in this way, we see God. Not in morality, or functional families, or matching outfits. Not in stained glass windows or in bumper stickers. God is seen in Love, because that is what He is.
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