Jul 11, 2007 11:19
Having moved to Seattle close to 5 months ago, I'm still finding it rather difficult to establish meaningful relationships here. And I'm really starting to wonder if meaningful is even the right term to use. If it can be applied to any but the most rare friendships.
I lived in Champaign-Urbana for close to ten years before we moved to Seattle. Since we've gotten here, I've only been called by about 2 people. Ten years and people don't even miss me enough to call. My friends from kindergarten, whom I haven't lived near in close to 15 years have contacted me more times since I moved here than people in C-U.
Which isn't to say I haven't been trying. I've called, emailed, and all but flag-waved to try and get some attention, to try and make this transition a bit easier, but to no avail.
I suppose I should be grateful for the awesome friends that I do have. People like James who flew from Boston to Seattle to visit us. I don't think anyone's ever traveled farther to visit me before. James, if you're reading this, you're awesome. You've done what I'd hoped others would do.
But, much like most of my friends from high school and my friends from college, it seems the friendships I made in C-U were friendships of convenience. Friendships of proximity. I'm not in their faces every week, so I'm nothing but a memory. It makes me question how much effort I should put into future relationships.