Oct 29, 2006 17:47
i should be a hobo for halloween..we will have to see. court was home this weekend so of course it was that time where we rented corny horror movies. Really the only corny one we watched was 'Leprechaun' and wow what a piece of work that movie was. We also watched 'Silent Hill' which wasnt too bad, and then along with 'The Devils Rejects'. That was pretty good as well. I'm suprised Rob Zombie can even direct but he really suprised with this movie and 'House of 1000 Corpses'
It really chaps my ass when i goto rent a movie but then when i finally get home and start to watch it i make it through about 40mins then the damn thing starts to freeze, then i go take it out to look under the disc and what do i see? It looks like somebody literally took a knife and put deep scratches in it. Why people? just to piss me off and not let me finish my Clint Eastwood movie that was getting really good? that must be it..or they are just dumb and like to do that crap to rented dvds.
i have to update my journal more often for my english class, at least once a week i think we are supposed to talk about stuff related in class but i have no idea what to write. look at that right now im just writing nothing as filler space. But we do have a research paper coming up and i want my topic to be 'Japan' but i have to get more specific on my topic so if anybody has any ideas let me know.