Trick me once, shame on you, trick me twice, shame on whats 4 times?

Oct 08, 2004 17:50

Im not saying anything that the people who read this dont already know...lisa dumped me...again...for another guy...again...pretty much outa nowhere...again...i mean, do i have a right to complain about this really? i mean, if the sun comes up 3 times in 3 days, its safe to assume that it's gonna come up a fourth right? This is what she does, she gives me hope that we can be what we were for the first year we dated, before lafayette, before DJ before Bloomington before the layer after layer of torture that I've inflicted on or let her inflict on me.

I have a list of people to apologize to:

My Parents: they absolutely warned me not to move here for a girl, and that was 2 breakups ago!

Missy Perry: Oh my god, i regret this most of all. the last time we hung out, the night saddam hussein was captured, we kissed for the very first time. it was completely random, completely movie-ish, and it was really really nice. she was laying on the "i want you to move back here" so think i decided to, all I had to do then was figure out how to nicely let down...

Magen: she is an awesome girl too, too much like me almost and instead of just keeping her at arms reach as we were in the proto-relationship stage at the time of the missy kiss, I decided to play the player and see how far I could get the whole time knowing I'd be moving home for missy. Im sorry magen, i've never treated a girl as badly as you, and I hope for my soul's sake that I never do it again.

Josh: Josh was all pumped when I told him I was moving back and that I was probably going to move in with him. He needed the rent I agreed to pay him and while I know it isnt the sole reason why he's on hard times financially, it sure as hell doesnt help I pulled out on him. He's the only one that has actually understood and stayed friends with me...except my parents obviously.

Nate: I've pretty much fallen out of friends with him since getting back together, we havent seen each other in probably a year and its harder and harder to get ahold of him. I really hope that this isnt as bad as it seems to be.

Eric: He jetted for lafayette the minute I told him I was moving to valpo and i havent seen him since. Talked a few times, he told me that moving for a girl was a bad idea too.

Megan: I really ripped into Megan last fall during my real rock bottom low-point for getting back together with this guy Torin who was her equivilent of Lisa. I havent had a phone call from her since I gave her the "good news" lisa and I were back together.

Mike: he's just an IPFW friend, but he was really excited about me moving back to Ft Wayne last year too, and kinda held it against me for a long time when I reneged.

Jesus, there's probably even more, I burned so many bridges in my mad quest to finally win lisa for me. This thing has all the trappings of a Greek Tragedy right down to the almost pitiful way I worship lisa as my only way to happiness.

Everyone, Im sorry. Hopefully I can make things better.
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