Mar 07, 2006 22:57
Wow, I guess it's been a while since I last posted. What can I say, I've been busy.
Oh, and before I go on, the whole Catie/Susan post which mentions of all things, skull fucking, may have just made my millennium.
" Oh....I was thinking eye-socket. Thanks "
Catie, I think I may love you.
Okay, on to me.
Went to church on Sunday as a favor to a co-worker. Which if you know me, of all the things I hate -- Republicans, other people's fucking kids, frat boys, etc. -- organized religion rates right up there. Surprisingly, I didn't hate it. It was one of these new fangled varieties with a coffee bar and a youth center blasting Metallica. I was just so fascinated by the whole thing I am going back this Sunday. Eh, call it the historian in me trying to figure out what is wrong with people.
Speaking of people who have gone wrong, I am now the campaign manager for a friend of mine who is running for City Council. Looks like all that Tammy Baldwin/Howard Dean/ John Kerry volunteering is going to pay off. Once we get his website uplater this week, I'll post a link. Pretty cool stuff, even if we lose.
In addition, I have had three articles accepted by national Civil War magazines about preservation (that I have yet to write by the way), my living history group is filming with Wide Awake films on March 25th for a Border War documentary, and I have become a cog in the fight to save the Lone Jack Battlefield.
And I'm still trying to get my fucking degree finished, but since I haven't been back a year yet, out-of-State tuition is going to fuck me royal. So with all this other shit going on, I'm thinking about waiting until The Fall semester rather than Summer.
To top it off, a person touring the museum today shook my hand and told me I was an excellent historian.
Why did I ever move away from here?
Oh yeah, so I could make really cool friends that I only get to see on the computer. If you can read this, I'm missing you.