[rl] mental regression aftermath

Sep 09, 2008 18:32

The twins were affected by the Mental Regression virus. Reliving their childhood before the death of their mother. When Vergil would watch over him and take good care of him. Dante relying on him for most things and loving the attention. It was a pleasant childhood. Until their mother was killed. They were ripped apart ( Read more... )

trish, virus aftermath, devil may cry, mental regression, rl, dante

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fillmydarksoul September 9 2008, 18:28:45 UTC
Trish had heard sunshine waking up. She winced, her room; her nice, clean, organized room. She hopped off from her spot on Dante's desk and headed upstairs. Grabbing Luce and Ombra, bringing them to her side just in case Vergil had decided that he wanted to annoy the ever living daylights of her.

This virus had taken a lot out of her. It was as if her past was catching up to her, and she didn't like it one bit.

"Babe, do you want to stop doing that?" She ordered, watching Vergil trash her bedroom.


moarpower September 9 2008, 19:57:57 UTC
A few more things trashed before he finally realised he was being barked at by that bitch. His fists start to glow with the blue of the swords he can summon and he shoots a piercing, ice cold glare straight at her and snarls slightly. He sees Eva in her more than he ever did before the virus and the strength of the glow fades a little bit and he isn't even aware, but any hatred can be seen through his eyes.

[ Thought I'd slap another tag in to show that they really don't like each other, lawlz. ]


rocklikeacock September 9 2008, 20:30:28 UTC
Devil May Cry was usually empty. The few jobs they got between private clients, Morrison and Enzo were not enough to pay the debts that Dante carelessly acquired through pizza, girly magazines, and gambling. Today they had one added occupant ( ... )


fillmydarksoul September 9 2008, 21:28:55 UTC
Trish shot Dante a dark expression, one that spoke volumes of "you fucking owe me your soul, you bastard" as she watched Vergil move around like an ape in her bedroom. For once, it would be nice for the state of her life not be turned upside down.

These things usually made her feel less human, more like that carbon doll (Mundus' training was hard to leave sometimes) that had Eva's face. She shrugged her shoulders and threw her arms in the air as she watched her make up, her perfume all crash to the floor.

"Fix this before I do." Trish said with a warning, one that Vergil knew all too well, and Dante would eventually learn. One does not piss off Trish.


rocklikeacock September 9 2008, 21:38:11 UTC
That's where the resemblance to his mother stopped. The comparison stopped, and Dante heaved a sigh when she spoke to him, her words slurring together when they reached his ears. Okay okay, he got the gist of it. He rose like a hibernating bear, scratching the back of his head. "Fix what? Your stuff?" was his reply. Really, he knew how she could be. He could pull himself out of this whole "babes being pissy at him" thing.

Women always made a big deal out of things. (That notion of the "thank you" left just as fleetingly as it came. He'd remember later.) It was just his homicidal twin brother. He waved his hand, signifying he knew what she meant, and approached the door. "Hey Vergil, if you keep it up, Trish is gonna be mad at you," he grinned widely at his glowering brother.


moarpower September 10 2008, 16:50:36 UTC
Vergil didn't know what to make from the whole situation. The fact that he was left in Devil May Cry threw him off. He'd expected to be thrown out in an instant as soon as the virus wore off (Dante snapping out of the spell earlier than Vergil) -- while sleeping - making it easier for themselves. But he was left there while they went about their daily business.

He's not been in the human realm long and already he's put it at risk. He never gave it a second thought, taking him back to the hunger - the need for more power his obsession reduced him to. Until this virus. Reviving the feelings he once had for his younger twin. Dante being his world. No one could take that away from him or put his brother at risk.

He heard his brother join the clone, and the glare switched over to him. Only, his expression dropped, no emotion shown in it.

"Why did you...?!" the words demanding even if they’d been forced. Two summoned blades appear in his hands, edging closer to the pair.


rocklikeacock September 10 2008, 23:11:19 UTC
When he was younger, his first instinct would've been to reach for his gun. This time, he knew better.

"You gonna finish that or do you want me to? I may be your twin, but I can't read your mind, bro," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. Dante approached the situation how someone would a wild beast. He kept his calm and his level head. There was no doubt he would use force if necessary. There would be no play-fighting or grand escapades of amusement this time.

"What are you gonna do?" he lifted his head, nodding to the blades. "That battle's already over, Vergil." His tones dropped, his enthusiasm leaving as quickly as it stayed.


moarpower September 11 2008, 14:00:51 UTC
"... Leave me here...?" fingers flexing over the phantom blades, face filling with a scowl.

Vergil, if he used his brains, should throw the towel in and give it up. Especially with no real plan in mind and somewhere, he does know he's in the wrong for even threatening his brother for the sake of his old ways that seem lost, especially with the virus reminding him of what he once was. Then there is the fact that Dante has surpassed the older twin in terms of strength and power - he can feel it and has witnessed it few times before this encounter. He can't stand it and Dante has matured. So much.

Not even waiting for an answer, he raises a weapon and launches himself at Dante. As if this fight were an attempt to win back his dominant role. There's no way he's letting their "roles" change. He stands no chance. Even if he had a Devil Arm to enable him to devil trigger. It's not like Vergil to sit back and accept it -- that's always been his problem.


rocklikeacock September 11 2008, 17:38:58 UTC
"What else was I gonna do?" Dante asked as Vergil leapt toward him, it was almost like he expected it. He slid back, parrying with Ebony. It wasn't like the first two times they fought on Temen-ni-Gru, and more like the time they collided beneath Tower, after Arkham was defeated, scrambling for some sense of familism ( ... )


fillmydarksoul September 11 2008, 18:33:09 UTC
From behind Dante, Trish leveled Luce at Vergil's head; always there, and always performing backup for Dante. Even though she was safe, she felt her blood pressure rise when she saw Dante hurt and her wall was the least thing on her mind.

A loud cackle of electricity sparked within the guns, using it as a warning that if Vergil did anything, she would shoot him right there.

Vergil was always such a sore spot with Trish. Part of her was guilty of what she did, mainly apologetic to Dante, but a part of her wanted to punch him in the face because he constantly wanted to destroy her shop.


moarpower September 12 2008, 00:59:13 UTC
He shot a quick glance at Trish, face tightening into a scowl. Then his eyes moved onto the barrel of Ivory, eventually staring straight into the eyes of his brother, where his expression drifted away. There was a certainty in Dante's eyes as much as there was underneath the Devil's Tower on their third encounter. Back then, Vergil was sure of himself. Now, his face lacked the confidence. Not because of the clone and his brother were locked and loaded and would blow his brains out, but because he was so lost. Conflicted feelings. What was he fighting for now? Picking up where he left off as a teenager? If memory serves him correctly, back then, he left taking the only thing that had truly belonged to him and challenging the Demon Emperor. Even as the great Nelo Angelo he wouldn't do it. Memories--Vergil resurfaced and always stopped it ( ... )


rocklikeacock September 12 2008, 02:52:59 UTC
Saying things like this? Heh ... Dante didn't normally exert that much energy. If people wanted to do something, they did it. It was simple. With them, it was just his presence that made a difference. In other people's lives, his friends, his family (Vergil, Trish, Lady), he was far more proactive.

Dante still remembered his mistake all those years ago. This wasn't redemption, it was something he had to do.

The silence lingered around them. Dante kept his gun cocked, he knew, without glancing back, that Trish had him covered, no matter what happened. He caught the flinch, and continued to speak. "Good," his voice rumbled lowly. "I told you then, and I'll say it again. You're never going to be like Dad. Do you hear that? Does it sink in for you? Dad died, Mom died. But you know what? Vergil's still here."


moarpower September 12 2008, 19:10:28 UTC
... And Dante was right. He was the first time he'd been told that, many years ago. Just like back then, it riled him up. He couldn't get his head around it, even if it was the reality. He'd spent so many years living a single way, for one thing only. Plenty of adjusting to be done. He hated feeling this weak, but it would be a way of proving he isn't if he eventually gets a grip of the situation, surely. Unlike Dante, Vergil hasn't learned that there's more to their life than revenge, either. Dante moving on from his immature ways and now coming with a lot of wisdom while Vergil still holds onto his past mentality ( ... )


rocklikeacock September 15 2008, 01:28:07 UTC
Dante didn't flinch. He took the attack on the wall with the same sublime dignity as their father. Maybe he had come that much closer without looking. The Son of Sparda was quite the title to live up to.

He rolled back his shoulders (one of which was already healed), drawing back the gun in some sort of noncommittal shrug.

(As far as Trish went, he didn't seem to have a problem with her getting into family business. She was already in family business, so pushing a little further wouldn't hurt. Dante trusted her to back down if she felt that she couldn't handle it, but he knew she wouldn't. That's what he liked about her.) "Do what you want, but know that if you try anything, I'll stop you." Dante was grinned now, the enthusiastic theatre face to Vergil's deep scowl. "It's not like you have anywhere to go. I could order a pizza."


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